View Full Version : feeling pressured

17-02-10, 15:26
hi everyone, just having a bad day and needed a moan - hope you all don't mind. i am on my second week off sick with panic and anxiety again. this is the 5th time in 2 years i have been signed off for a long period of time. i have started taking sertraline this time which seem to be helping a bit but i am still struggling a bit with side effects constant headache adn still some mild anxiety which is improving. anyway i have just had my line manager on the phone again, feel as though she is really hacked off with me for being off again. i had applied for a new job before i went off sick this time and she has a reference request. she was asking if i was goign to go for interview and that she would have to put down why i had been off and for how long which i totally understand but it was just her tone of voice. i really don't even want to think about work at the moment but she keeps telling me that i have not got long before my wages are cut to half pay as i have had so much time off - we really can't afford for that to happen but as i say i don't feel happy about goign back. i still have 2 weeks off yet and i know things may change but i just feel so unhappy at the moment and pressured that i don't know what to do. sorry for the long post but as i said just needed a bit of a moan. i don't think she really understands how hard things are at the moment with panic and i find it difficult to explain to her as i just end up feeling a failure.:weep:

17-02-10, 22:07
when i went off with same 2 half years ago my doc said - no contact with work! I didn't and got better. I did end up with other jobs because i had to leave - knew couldn't keep up with the pressure my manager was putting on me. I have been anxious again recently but not for same reasons. I feel so bad for you and really understand - i can't afford not to work either! Unplug the phone f 2 weeks see if it helps - worst thing half pay.:hugs: