View Full Version : 4 Ways to Change Anxiety...

17-02-10, 17:03
Do you suffer from anxiety when coping with other people?

When leaving the house?

Walking down the street? Or in groups?

Hanging out or working with different people?

When you're feeling this anxiety in social situations, when interacting with others, what is going on here?

What is this event we tend to call anxiety?

After you are in a meeting, leaning back within the stiff chair and in secret dreading the odds of being picked out by a manager or colleague, what are you really anxious of?

When you stand around holding a glass of wine at a cocktail party or leaning against the corner of the crowded counter at your local bar, what's the fear that is running through your head?

What are you therefore anxious about?

Question #1

What is that voice inside your mind saying?

You can discover this by paying attention to it, writing it or exchanging it verbally with someone you have faith in.

As you get to know more evidently what that voice has to say, see if it mainly comes down to the dread of being judged by others, the worry of looking bad in their eyes and feeling stupid based on what you say or do in front of them.

When you start to note that the voice looks to be particularly preoccupied with what others are thinking of you and your actions, ask yourself this simple question : Why does what other people think of me matter so much?:madness:

Have you been sub-consciously putting what others think of you on top of your own true desires while not questioning the logic and purpose of it?......

20-09-12, 15:44
Hi there, This is very interesting to me. I definitely care way too much what other people think of me and you may have seen that recently I posted about work based anxiety. I have been working for the first time in many years you see. I am a 55 year old woman and I have felt anxiety every day that I have worked since I started a few weeks ago! In fact its almost like every day that I go to work is the first day all over again. I am scared of making a fool of myself, of feeling stupid if something goes wrong. I am scared of not not being accepted by the other staff. I want to feel like I "Belong" there. I am just scared and it is with me at home too. It doesn't go away just be because I am not in work all the time. I feel like the job has changed me into someone else and has kicked up major doubts and insecurities that have been hidden below the surface for many years. I dont know how to get over this :(


20-09-12, 20:21
So yes, I have been subconsciously putting what others think of me before my own true desires whilst not questioning the logic or purpose of it. Now I will question it.....
