View Full Version : Landed myself in hospital

17-02-10, 21:19
Well after four days of convincing myself I was sure to die, I took myself to the dr with my symptoms and managed to have THE most spectacular panic attack in his office. I think I managed to scare off any patients in the waiting room with the noise. He sent me to hospital - I'm not sure if it was to check out the symptoms I was describing or just to get me out of his office.

Long story - I stayed overnight and was sent home with the info that I wasn't having a stroke - rather a hemiplegic migraine and to try to manage my stress and anxiety levels..

I was feeling great yesterday (you know - with the not dying and all) but I've just back to feeling anxious and well... stupid.. Seems like half the world knows I was in hospital and I feel like I should have something more to report than - oops over-reacted.. I've always had high anxiety and the occasional panic attack but the last week makes me feel like it's really beginning to affect my life. For the first time ever I don't feel like going anywhere or seeing anyone. Look at me - sitting here being anxious about being anxious :)


17-02-10, 22:07

Ive kinda been there before myself.

Im 16 and am at college. Mine started about a month ago now. Must be just about a month anyway. Haven't had them long. I do get very anxious and most days i feel like i can't go out or see anyone. I feel like the four walls of my bed room are the best place for me and that i dont deserve to see anyone. I get exactly how you feel!!!!

A few nights ago i had a really bad panic attack too, i thought i was going to die. Thing is ive been told that its very rare that you die from a panic attack. The best thing to do is just to keep calm when you know your going to have one, or at least tell someone. I find i have to keep moving around as i loose control of my body if i just sit down and not do anything, i get pins and needles and stuff like that, its rediculous as i cnt even hold up my own head!! XD

Your not stupid, you have also not over reacted, its something your body will naturally do, as its trying to burn the adrenaline that you dont need. I find listening to good music is always helpful, reading puts positive thoughts in the brain before going anywhere, maybe getting creative would help, make something with positive things on it, i did exactly the same the other day. Its a massive heart made of card, massive. It covers part of one of my walls, me and my best friend completely painted it with whatever colour there was, and i put all my comments and posts that i get on this site which are postive and helpful and put them onto this heart. I have it nailed to the wall and it looks epic. It just cheers me up looking at it and it makes me realise i actually have help and people who do understand. You need to do things like this to keep you going, make you want to go out and keep your mind focused on something else. Serious, when i made this heart i didnt once feel anxious, after i felt amazing, like i had gotten so much off my chest.

The world moves on around you, they're not going to look down on you for being in hospital and no one on here is, everyones there to help and encourage thats what the best thing about this site is. :) Ive also had paramedics come to college before, i know it makes you feel silly but its the best thing. Just incase even if they cannot do anything to help as such. You have to do it youself as its your anxiety you have to kick. I find going for jogs and walks help when i know i am going to have one. Maybe dancing too. Keeps you moving and keeps you burning energy. :)

Hope you do feel better soon and find the courage to overcome this
I know how your feeling!! :) :hugs:


Sam xxxxxx