View Full Version : So here's my plan for today...

18-02-10, 00:25
After having five days of anxiety and panic attacks - today I'm going to try a different way of doing things. Instead of jumping in the shower, seeing on the way that the washing hasn't been hung out, doing half of that before the kids need something and etc etc - I am not going to start anything without finishing.

Once I've set myself a task (the first biggie was showering and dressing) I am going to concentrate ONLY on that task - and not allowing anything (or anyone) to distract me until that task in complete. I'm sure a lot of my anxiety stems from never having time to complete anything properly and hence feeling like I never get anything "done".

Of course, dropping in to say hi to my new friends at NMP doesn't count as a distraction - it's a necessity... Wish me luck..!:winks:


18-02-10, 00:41
Thats sounds like a very good plan! One small step at a time, and don't judge yourself..

18-02-10, 00:44
Yes, that does sound like a good idea. I've found that writing down the things I need to do, and prioritising them, helps me to remember to do them and not feel overwhelmed. And also to finish them before starting another.

I hope it helps :)

18-02-10, 01:11
Good idea! Best of luck! Have a fabulous day x