View Full Version : Nervous about getting a tattoo

18-02-10, 01:38
I'm all excited about it, but on the other hand I'm all nervous now. Guess I'll take one of my pills before I go :yesyes:

18-02-10, 01:57
Haha awesome stuff mate, make sure you eat before you get it done though and id recommend some chewing gum. :yesyes:

Good luck.


18-02-10, 02:48
Been reading about it, they do suggest a bite to eat and maybe even mp3 player. From what I understand its going to take 2-3 hours.:blush:

18-02-10, 10:42
oooo good luck you! - Ive been procrastinating about a tattoo for years but been too much of a wuss! - pictures when you've had it done please!!

anna xx

18-02-10, 14:01
Been reading about it, they do suggest a bite to eat and maybe even mp3 player. From what I understand its going to take 2-3 hours.:blush:

2-3 hours, for your first tat2 that's jumping in at the deep end, how big is it? My first one took an hour n half and its a fair size. The outline is the worst part when having it done.


Mp3 player is a good idea but more often that not the guy/girl giving you the tattoo will often speak to you.

Looking forward to hearing how you got on.


18-02-10, 14:43
Bout that size but on upper left arm. With clouds and wings added to the cross. Grey and black, but not a celtic cross. You'll see ;)

The artist is a guy I used to play in a band with, we are old buddies so I'm getting a 500$+ tat for ALOT less.

That one I'm almost positive is going on left arm, and is most of a panel for a 1/2 sleeve. The other side I've had serious thoughts of another 1/2 sleeve but the design would be the riddler (from batman) green costume arm with the black question marks all over it. I'm going to wait to see how I do with this one.

It's either that or Maiden's Eddie in the trooper costume.

18-02-10, 15:11
Bout that size but on upper left arm. With clouds and wings added to the cross. Grey and black, but not a celtic cross. You'll see ;)

The artist is a guy I used to play in a band with, we are old buddies so I'm getting a 500$+ tat for ALOT less.

That one I'm almost positive is going on left arm, and is most of a panel for a 1/2 sleeve. The other side I've had serious thoughts of another 1/2 sleeve but the design would be the riddler (from batman) green costume arm with the black question marks all over it. I'm going to wait to see how I do with this one.

It's either that or Maiden's Eddie in the trooper costume.

Sounds good mate, that tat ive shown there only cost me £40 cause I knew the guy so that was a cracking deal.

I like the sound of ya design, I'm going to have that cross tat extended and was thinking of turning it into sleeve too but am unsure how I would go about it.

Also considering getting a St. Christopher tat on my calf where he is carrying a child on his back, unsure which to go for first though.


18-02-10, 20:04
I can totally relate - I was SO excited and nervous about getting my first tattoo, right up to the point where the guy was just about to start I was thinking 'oh no I need to back out!' but I didn't and don't regret I thing, I LOVE my tattoo and just waiting to get my 2nd one now!
Good luck, it will be worth it!

18-02-10, 20:42
mine both took about 80 minutes. the pain was fine, tolerable, it was my anxiety so i found it hard at times sitting there! but you can get a coffee/fag break!

18-02-10, 21:30
I've noticed since the onset of my "symptoms" with anxiety, the sight of my own blood freaks me out so lets hope this is not a big deal. I trust this person implicitly so I'm not worried about anything of the other stuff just general anxiety. I know I'm going to like it when it's done. It's just the buildup to it. Meds have been consumed and I'm feeling pretty alright and once the endorphins kick in.... yeah, I'll be good.

19-02-10, 13:30
Post Tattoo:

3.5 hours of work later... :D. I'm waiting on him to host pics of it on his site so I can snag it. Will repost once it's up. It's going to be black and grey but its still "new" so it looks quite red at the moment. All in all rave reviews from all.

15-03-10, 01:47
Back from the deep dark depths, I promised pics.... so....

http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs468.snc3/25690_1394174097139_1315791071_1118947_2566331_n.j pg

The rest of me...

http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs468.ash1/25690_1394174177141_1315791071_1118949_8090263_n.j pg

Mind you this was two days after the tat, so it was still sore and "wet looking". Now it's the proper grey and black.

15-03-10, 22:16
very nice tattoo!! i was the same worrying like anything stomach churning etc and once it was done i was worrying for another so I went back a few weeks later and got another, very addictive!!!