View Full Version : srri to another srri

18-02-10, 11:02
Hi, has anyone taken an srri and that beng unsucessfull transferred to another srri??? I am currently om mirtazipine (two weeks in) after being on citalopram previously and it eventually not being as effective as it had. I am seeing my GP tommorow and am seriously thinking of asking to come off mitrazipine. When I started taking it last week I felt the drowsiness (still having that) but didnt feel down etc. The past three days and today especially I just feel so down its horrible. Still also suffering the horrendous zaps from the withdrawal of cit which I know would go if I went onto another srri. Yes I also know I will have to go through all the new side effects of new meds again and withdrawal of mirt (whatever that will mean??) but just wondered if anyone had been in the same boat. I havent left the house for two weeks for feeling so bad, dont know how much longer I can cope with this. Jo.

18-02-10, 11:15
Hi Jo :hugs:,,,I m sorry you feeling so bad hunny ..but it will pass ..You havnt been on the Mirtazapine long enough yet for it to kick in properly They are SRNIs and work on a diff chemical but do the same thing ....Do try to stick it out ,you are nearly half way now ,would be a shame to quit on it now .I do think you will need to have another week or two off work to be honest tho ,the first month can be very bad for some ,it was for me ,,Im so glad i stuck with mine as I felt terrible for weeks ,i thought i was going mad ..Your withdrawal isnt helping and it must be absolutely draining at the moment ..Every thing will level out eventually and you should start to have an odd day here and there , when you feel ok very soon ...Thinking of you hugs Sue :hugs:xx

18-02-10, 11:36
Hi Sue, thankyou think this is the worst day I have had so far, :weep: just feel like I am going backwards instead of forwards...the bloating is not helping either, I am hoping the GP will give me something to help with this tommorow. I darent get on the scales cos I know that will just stress me out even more. My pulse rate is really racing so I have taken a propanonal to help and am going to try and lay down for a while and just hope these nasty feelings pass. Just feel like locking myself away forever.:weep:

18-02-10, 12:43
HI Sue just another quick question.....I know mirtazipine was not good for you and you take citalopram as I did previously but do you think that I would benefit from a 30mg dose or stay as I am??? I dont know what GP will say tommorow but am a bit concerned that if he wants me to double the dose wether this will make me feel better or worse??? I know you prob dont know the answer to that as everyone is diffferent but if he is going to have to increase the dose eventually anyhow wouldnt it be better to do it now rather than later so I have to go through all this again. I have read so many mixed threads on here I really dont know what to do. Cant seem to rest at the moment as all these thoughts are racing through my head but at least the down feeling has lifted a bit...evenings are always the best for me apart from the horrid "zaps" I feel pretty normal and enjoy evenings, thankfully. Sorry to go on and on to you but you seem to really help me as you seem to know alot about the meds etc. Thanks hun. Jo.xx

18-02-10, 14:23
Personally JO ,I would not increase until i reached the 6week point .Or at least the 4week period you have been on them .By the time they are stable increasing wont be as bad as the begining so dont let that daunt you . .Im pleased you are now having good periods ,thats a good sign they are working ,these will get longer and start earlier .If you increase now you will still have to wait 6-8 weeks for them to settle and for the first 2-3 it will be pretty horrid ,Im going on what you have been like so far. Another thing to think about is the withdrawals ..if you wait a bit these will have dimished considerably so you will be feeling better with that problem too .Its sometimes difficult to make the right decision as Drs really dont seem to care how bad you are going to feel ,when they perscribe ;;:lac:Reading back thru your posts ,looks like you have made progress so keep going ,its a bit hard sometimes but no pain no gain Im afraid ,these things take time and a hell of a lot of patience :mad:.You are doing well hun and should be pleased with yourself ..:hugs:Well done ..luv Sue xx

20-02-10, 11:52
Hi Sue, saw GP yesterday and have stayed on the same dose. I had a really good day yesterday was able to walk to local shops and then in the afternoon I actually went shopping (food) with my husband. It felt wierd, like everything was just going on around me and as if I was not actually there, dead funny feeling. Supose thats the meds and the fact I had not been in that sort of situation for a while. GP told me to make sure I took things steady and did not over do it. Today is not quite as good, even though I think the zaps are slowly decreasing at last. I got up and went on the tread mill for an hour but just took it steady this time. I now feel totally exhausted and so must try and take the rest of the day easy. I guess yesterday spolit me a little as in the evening I almost felt actually back to normal. GP said to see him again in 2 weeks by which time I will know if I am ready to start easing myself back into work. One day at a time for now. Thanks for your post the other day it got me back on track when I was having a very difficult day. Have a great weekend. Love Jo.xx