View Full Version : Can someone explain how stress/anxiety develops Ulcers in the mouth :(

18-02-10, 11:47
I'm SICK of this now. Since Novemberish I've been getting them frequently.

Sometimes I go a week without one, but it just means that I'm bound to get one or two soon enough if there's none there.

My dentist and doctor say my gums teeth and tongue are fine. The dentist said some people are prone to ulcers.

I NEVER had them before I started worrying and stressing out a lot. OK maybe had one before that I remember but that was in 2006 and cleared up within a few days.

I can't seem to be able to focus on anything without constantly fearing something new is happening in my mouth. I don't feel majorly stressed or anxious sometimes and then they end up just appearing and getting worse. Could I be stressed without having major symptoms cos I never get headaches but obv I have H.A as the woman at the Stress Centre here said I have it from everything i told her.

I just don't "get" how these ulcers don't go away now and they are linked to some really horrible illnesses. :weep: But I don't ever seem to have many other symptoms. It's always in my mouth.

I know many folk in here must be fed up of me posting about mouth related issues but I can't help it. I seem to be the only one i have noticed on here who seems to get ulcers all the time and theres nothing i can do about it :weep:

18-02-10, 12:07
Hi There

I'm not sure how or why it happens but I have been told time and time again that anxiety/stress etc can give you mouth ulcers, they are a nuisnace and they are painful.

All in all this anxiety and any other mental health problem is stressful at the best of times and I for one wish we could all get over it and be well again!!

I know it sounds simple but i use Bonjella to get rid of mine and for me it works.

Rachel W
18-02-10, 13:36
I think that when you are stressed, your body uses up a lot of vitamins and you get run down, which makes you more prone to these kind of things. I think B vitamins are some of the main ones that get diminished when you are stressed.

Hope you feel better soon...

18-02-10, 14:45
Hi there,
Mouth ulcers are caused by stress and sometimes vitaminin deficiencys and enemia..have you had your blood checked to see if you are enemic i had loads once and this was because i was enemic.

18-02-10, 17:09

Im sure that stress causes all its effects becuase it makes you produce too much or at least more cortisol. Cortisol has then effect of lowering the immune system, something to do with reducing the white cells. I think that there are other blood cells reduced by stress as well and it might make the skin inside your mouth more prone to injury hence mouth ulcers. My friend at work is also plagued by them, she has just had a baby a while ago and is very stressed. Dr confirmed to her that stress is the cause....NO SERIOUS ILNESS!!

The same thing causes stressed peole to bruise easier and also to look pale.... like when you get a fright!

Also might be that you are chewing the inside of your mouth when your not realising it? in your sleep / grinding your teeth?

STOP LOOKING IN YOUR MOUTH!! Thats obsessional behaviour and probably not something you would ever recommend to anyone else to do lol! Obsessional behaviours ( trust me i should know lol!) are totally addictive and cold turkey is the best way!!


18-02-10, 20:15

Im sure that stress causes all its effects becuase it makes you produce too much or at least more cortisol. Cortisol has then effect of lowering the immune system, something to do with reducing the white cells. I think that there are other blood cells reduced by stress as well and it might make the skin inside your mouth more prone to injury hence mouth ulcers. My friend at work is also plagued by them, she has just had a baby a while ago and is very stressed. Dr confirmed to her that stress is the cause....NO SERIOUS ILNESS!!

The same thing causes stressed peole to bruise easier and also to look pale.... like when you get a fright!

Also might be that you are chewing the inside of your mouth when your not realising it? in your sleep / grinding your teeth?

STOP LOOKING IN YOUR MOUTH!! Thats obsessional behaviour and probably not something you would ever recommend to anyone else to do lol! Obsessional behaviours ( trust me i should know lol!) are totally addictive and cold turkey is the best way!!


Good post lisa,,, made myself reasurred

04-05-10, 22:55
I also have been following your posts starscream as my mouth is so very uncomfortable.....I have spent most of this weekend crying and convinced i have a horrible mouth disease although I have seen 2 dentists. AAARRRRGGGHHHHHHH
How crappy is this eh?

Going home
05-05-10, 01:21
The lack of vitamins definately does come into it, but also that stress can produce more acid in the saliva (as it does in the stomach hence stomach ulcers) so this could be another reason for the mouth ulcers.