View Full Version : Hi everyone

18-02-10, 12:31
I am little anxious about going on this site but anything that will help! My partner left me at new year. Since then I had been using alchol as a maladptive coping mechanism. I went to hospital the other week as i took paracetmol. The doctor has given me promazine for the anxiety 25mg 3 times a day and zoplicolne it doesnt work though. I am finding 3 promazine a day is not enough any advice just cant cope.:flowers:

18-02-10, 12:32
Hi Tinkerbell12

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-02-10, 15:16
Hi Tinkerbell

The medication you're on will take time to work (usually a few weeks but sometimes longer). However, if you're drinking it will affect the med and it might not work as it should. Alcohol is a powerful depressant.

I think you should go back to your doctor and discuss this.

In the meantime, welcome to NMP and I hope you feel better soon.