View Full Version : Anxiety is axing down the door!

18-02-10, 14:28
We all know that scene from 'The shining' where Johnny is axing down the door to get in! I would describe my anxiety as been like this at the moment!! I am doing my best to defend it but sometimes the fight just makes things worse and I feel that soon I am going to have to start running!!!
Anxiety snook up on me this time and I didnt know it was coming so I wasnt prepared & blimey...dont you forget how it feels?? Little things that terrify you and play with your mind.
I remembered how my heart used to thud in my chest to the point that I could hear it but i forgot how terrifying this sounded. How derealization cuts you off from reality and how it halts you in your tracks but I forgot just how frightening this was. Then theres all the other stuff that comes with anxiety. We remember the symptom but we forget the feeling it gives us.
My anxiety is really paralysing me at the minute, I am worrying too much about what might happen and i just cant stop myself. My eye is twitching to distraction, I feel dizzy, I feel panicky, I feel sick!! Whenever I push myself to do things I get the derealization and the depersonalisation that I detest.

The other day, whist driving on the M60, derealization popped up in the inside lane!! Now thats a new one on me. I never had that before and it freaked me out like never before. I had two children in the back seat for god sake. Anxiety isnt just happy with with getting at me, it now wants to put my family at risk too. Is there no escaping this monster???

I must apologise, I am writing this to get it off my chest so I am sorry if I am rambling. I am hoping that putting all my current thoughts and feelings into words like this might help me. Afterall, NMP as helped me so much in the past. Sharing my fears and feelings with people in the same situation and trying to help others make sense of theres is what got me through this crazy shit last time (excuse my french)


18-02-10, 15:10
all i can say is you came trough it once as you say you will again ,,to me it comes in stages we feel great for a time even think its gone then bang its back but this time worse than before its very strange so i hope you and me both come out of this blip soon ,, the onlyway is forward dont you agree x

18-02-10, 17:03
I know exactly how you feel, my anxiety is now in stages/phases. I've been ok for about 2 weeks, stupidly thinking I was "bad to normal" but now it's hit me again, but I'm trying to take some comfort in the fact that I'm perhaps more wiser about my symptoms than when it first hit & can try to control them more...& not let them worry me as much, but it is still very hard...
All the best & good luck to you :) x

19-02-10, 17:30
I am feeling more comfortable today so thanks for your replies! sometimes I just need someone to point out that I am not the only one suffering this nightmare and as much as I hate to see other people suffering this site reminds me that I am not such alone. I'v spent time reading through other threads and reading up on my symptoms and am feeling about much more relaxed.
I am guilty of googling my symptoms though (for which i would be grateful of a good slap) and almost convinced myself that I was having an ectopic pregnancy this morning!
I have spent my afternoon with friends and our children and whilst their I was enjoying myself so much that I forgot to let anxiety in which just goes to prove hat distraction is always a good defense.

Thankyou peeps xx

19-02-10, 21:19
mmm i could say my anxiety is comin through the door somtimes, getting nervouse worrying really badly for no real reasons... derealization is really shit, but i only get it occasionally when i have to endure anxiety..in a city or something. are you sure thats derealisation, mayby you were just anxious on the inside lane :)
its alright to vent everybody does it i think :D