View Full Version : New to this...

18-02-10, 14:47
Hi Everyone,just joined and have been reading some posts.

Really glad to have found this site makes me feel better knowing there are other people i can talk to who will understand me.

I am 25 years old and have been suffering from depression and anxiety for about 7 years.I also find it hard to leave the house alone.

I feel so alone with it all,even tho i do have my wonderful fiance but i hate the way that i am and feel like such a failure! I'm the one holding us back :weep:

18-02-10, 14:49
Hi Foxfire

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

18-02-10, 14:55
Hello Foxfire

Sorry you've been going through a difficult time but you'll find lots of support, help and advice here.

Welcome to the forum

18-02-10, 15:30
Hi Foxfire

Welcome to the forum. I only joined yesterday and already have been bowled over with the warm welcome and support. I am positive you will find great advice here and I hope we can help :)

18-02-10, 16:05
Thank you for the replys :)

18-02-10, 16:49
Hi and welcome to the forum,,I am a carer as my wife suffers panic attacks and ocd and some threads are extremely useful, look forward to seeing you around,,,,
