View Full Version : Just for today....

18-02-10, 15:10
I am keeping my fingers (and everything else) crossed as today has started out pretty good so far. I did things a little differently last night and today. I went to bed and tried deep breathing and saying out loud “tomorrow morning I am going to wake up feeling great”….well, I woke up feeling pretty good (a little off). I then said out loud…”I am a good person, I deserve to be happy, I am grateful for what I have, and I am going to have a good day – if something is out of place/sequence or something goes wrong, it is just that, and it won’t ruin my life.” Now, I totally realize I have anxiety (both health as well as GAD) and there are going to be things that set me off and days I want to crawl under a rock!! But, just for today, I am going to feel good and do my best not to worry about things I can not control!!

18-02-10, 15:12
good for you seems like your good thoughts helped think i will try it

18-02-10, 15:26
Please do!! It wasn't easy - I jsut have to find a way to teach my brain to think different and I am willing to try just about anything! So positive affirmations here I come!

margaret jones
18-02-10, 17:28
Yes i will also try this tomorrow morn i am fed up of waking up and neg thinking need some sunshine .

Affimations go go go Maggie

18-02-10, 19:29
Okay - it is just after lunch time here and I had a slight set back! My stomach really started to bother me and I started to worry about it "Maybe I really do have some type of cancer".....my stomach was nauseous and I had to run to the bathroom a few times. My day has been a bit ovwhelming work wise.....I told myself "I do not have any type of cancer, I am fine, it will take a while for my stomach to get back into shape from worring so much - I am fine!!" I may have to say this a million times, but I AM GOING TO HAVE ONE GOOD DAY!

18-02-10, 20:13
its worth giving a try,,,