View Full Version : quick question about asthma

18-02-10, 16:03
hi all :) this is just a quick question im wondering if anyone can help me with, i have recently been diagnosed with mild asthma and take 400mg of clenil a day, but as i suffer with health anxiety also, its hard for me to tell the difference between panic or asthma attack :(, if i do a peak flow reading during an attack and itts normal can i assume im having a panic attack and not asthma?? thanks for any replies :)

hayley x

18-02-10, 16:09
Same here.

One doc said I should take an inhaler when I am out of breath and all that but never did he say "You have asthma".

When I feel short of breath or wheezy, I take the inhaler and I'm ok.

I don't know what it is ? Asthma ? Panick Attack ? Something else ?

All i know is when I take the inhaler, I am ok.

18-02-10, 16:12
Good question!

I would have thought that if it were an asthma attack then there would usually be some degree of "wheeze" with it whereas with the Panic attack it is just hyperventilating (rapid shallow breathing).

I am asthmatic and have PA's but have never confused the 2, mainly due to the element of fear which precedes a panic, it isn't normally there with asthma.

I personally wouldn't use a peak flow reading to try and decide whats happening as I think the result could aslo be affected by a panic.

I haven't heard of the medication that you are on, is it an inhaler of some sort?

18-02-10, 16:29
thanks for replying :) its called clenil modulate its the brown preventer inhaler, and i also have the blue reliever inhaler incase of an attack, its just so confusing as i just cant tell, so im just really scared im going to have one and assume its panic and end up in hospital :( arrgghhh i really hate HA :( so thats why im thinking if my peak flow is normal im not having an asthma attack right?, sorry i know you cant really tell me with any confidence that that is right :( but i guess im just looking for some reassurance x

18-02-10, 16:34
Well, I have had severe asthma for 46 years so I can give it a go!

Starscream has got the right idea..if you find yourself short of breath, then use your reliever inhaler. If it's asthma related, your breathing should easy more or less immediately.

Do remember though that there are usually some notable signs if it is an asthma attack like a wheeze or high pitched squeaky sound when you breathe, more noticeably when you breathe out.

It might also be worthwhile having a chat with whoever gave you the meter to get some reassurance from them.

18-02-10, 16:43
thank you, i try to talk to my doc but i think she might be geting a bit tired of me lol :P, i dont hear a wheeze or a high pitched sound at all, and my doc always asks me if it keeps me up at night, which it doesnt, so i guess ill just use my blue inhaler if im short of breath and if it doesnt help i guess its just panic, thanks all :) x