View Full Version : Ahhhhhhhh Forgot what the side effects could be like

18-02-10, 19:21
I've been on 20mg citalopram for just under 2 years now and my GP has just increased the does to 30mg as my agoraphobia's making a come back. Third day on the new dose and my anxiety's going through the roof - I think my right leg's gonna jump off if it twitches any more! I'd completely forgotten that they can escalate anxiety levels while settling into a new dose and am just hoping it doesn't last too long, I'm back at work next week and my new colleagues have never seen me like this before!

18-02-10, 20:18
I am only on 10mg started it today was such a coward took half this morning and half tonite lol! You are brave going up to 30mg i take rescue remedy dont know if that will help you a little bit. I have suffered from agoraphobia before I had panic disorder when I was 21 im now 33 i couldnt work for a year it became so bad. As a last resort maybe lorezepam will help I take those when im desperate! Did the citalopram help you over the last 2 years? I dont know what to expect from it as I dont really have anxiety anymore just mild depression and severe mood swings which i think are hormonal! hope u feel better soon :)

18-02-10, 20:40
Hi, I've been on 20mg for just over 3 months and am off to the dr's in the morning to see if I need to increase it to 30mg. Bit nervous now that i've seen you get the bad side effects again! Thought it would not do that just by going up 10mg, don't even know if the dr will up my dosage, just have to wait and see. I take mine for panic attacks and anxiety and it has helped, but am having the odd bad day so thought I might need to up the dosage. Hope you soon get through the bad anxiety and they help you shortstuff.

All the best
Jannie x x

18-02-10, 20:41
Hi Ruth. Citalopram has been brilliant for me. I started on 10mg and that was raised to 20 shortly after. There's really nothing to be worried about. There can be lots of side effects but they go away after 2-4 weeks (depending how lucky you are). Its worth than to get back on an even keel. For me the side effects have been raised anxiety, dry mouth and wierd dreams. As for what to expect, it made me feel back to normal for the first time in ages. I'd always had the misguided belief that antidepressants would make you feel spaced out - my experience couldn't be further from that. I would really recommend it.

I used to take rescue remedy but after CBT made me realise that it had become a safety behaviour which was keeping me in the anxiety cycle, I stopped using it / carrying it around.

Best of luck - keep us informed.

18-02-10, 20:54
You must've posted about the same time as me Janine. Good luck at the doc's - I'm sure he/she'll advise you well and increase if needed. I'm hoping that the side effects wear off quicker than when I first started on them, but even if not if the long term effects pay off then its worth it.

Good luck Janine

19-02-10, 10:30
Hi iv'e just come off of citalapram i was taking 60mg for 5 years iv'e changed to mirtazapine 30mg which may be increased to 45mg on tues.I hate starting new tablets for 2-3weeks i go into meltdown the only thing that keeps me kind of 'sane' is knowing that it does'nt last for ever but its horrible feeling like that.Citalapram worked for me longer than other ad's have(i get used to them quite quickly and have to change after a while)As with work try not to think about it concentrate on work(easier said than done!!)Good luck.

19-02-10, 19:40
Pleased to report its not been as bad as yesterday. Still had the wierd and vivid dreams last night but they're nothing in comparison to the anxiety yesterday.

19-02-10, 21:56
Hi guys

I can only speak for myself but after the initial side effects went away ( 4-5days) I didnt experience any more side effects going up from 20 - 30 - 40. Not everyone gets side effects. I am now off the tablets after 2 years (reducing slowly for 6 months) and I am back to "normal" whatever thats supposed to be.

Good luck
