View Full Version : So ... tell me

18-02-10, 19:26
How long do we have to feel like this?
I am fed up with being positive at work and then stressing at home when with the people i love the most and who i am scared of leaving.. my kids!
I am sooo scared of leaving them as they will have no one since my rock and best friend (my mum) passed away 9 months ago.
I try and think good thoughts and that it is the stress and nothing else?
But is this a life sentence and if so why me?! I want to go back and stop stressing about death and enjoy life?
I know we are all in the same boat on here but if anyone has any ideas how to ease things I would be grateful

18-02-10, 21:31
relax and take a deep breath hun. i lost my nan on friday and im not coping the best. i seem to take things out on my other half and he is the one person i care about in the whole world. i dont have any kids but i know what you mean. you have to look after yourself. you are no good to anyone esle while you are stressed so its ok to take time out now and then for yourself. i dont believe its a life sentance. well i hope not. i have severe health anxiety and gad for 8 months now. before this i was totally "normal". im sorry to hear you lost your mum. its a real struggle but time heals. i find exercise and relaxation (breathing exercises and meditation) does me the world of good. i hope you feel better soon x x louise

18-02-10, 21:47
Louise, you are a total sweetheart coming on here offering me advice so soon after your loss, i am very sorry to hear about that and thank you soo much for taking the time to reply to me.
Time does heal and hopefully soon things will be back to "normal" :o)
Please feel free to mail me if you ever need to scream, shout or just chat!
thank you again
Mel x

18-02-10, 22:13
I wish I had the answer for you. I guess it's a matter of finding the technique that works best for you, whether it be therapy, support groups, or medications. I am fairly new to this HA. While I have always had a high level of anxiety, my HA really flared up back in December when I had a thyroid biopsy for a mass and in the meantime lost my grandpa and my aunt. I am hoping this isn't a life sentence, but for me it hasn't gotten any better. My doc gave me some anti-anxiety meds, which I think has helped some, but I am seriously thinking about getting some therapy. Good luck to you!

18-02-10, 22:23
My health anxiety gets really out of control sometimes. Tonight for example it has latched onto vCJD and has me terrified I am harbouring a dormant version.

Things that help me:

- Logic. For instance figuring out a rough percentage of your chances of getting whatever it is. Often they are extremely low.

- Figuring out what you are really scared of. My core fear is just... not living my life. Being kept caged in, so to speak, so I don't fulfill my dreams/ambitions and just waste my life away. This is why most of the diseases I keep fearing are either linked to paralysis, are sinister dormant things that erupt with no cure, or get young people. This mirrors my terror of being unable to be 'free' so to speak.

- If you can, try to not fight your fears. What I mean is, if you believe in God, say 'I trust you with my health/life, thank you for what I have and I accept whatever happens in the future'. It's not easy but it may help if you just try to accept things instead of fighting over what you cannot control.


19-02-10, 12:52
thank you for your reply mel. i hope we can chat soon x x

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 13:02
I wish there was a magic wand, because yes, its horrible isn't it. My kids only really have me. My daughter especially is very shy & apart from one friend at school who I am encouraging to socialise out of school too, she has no one but me. We are very close. If anything happened to me I am not being big headed but it would probably damage her a whole lot more than even other kids her age, who might have their dad living with them etc. Their dad only sees them irregularly, & she doesn't even like going there, so the thought of me not looking after her fills me with dread to be honest. I just feel glad every year as she gets older that she's a year closer to independance.
I dont know what the 'cure' is to chill a bit more about that problem unfortunately. x