View Full Version : I.B.S grrrrrrr what have I eaten now...

Cell block H fan
18-02-10, 19:32
Was real rough yesterday with the first day of my period, the pain woke me at 3am yesterday morning, I spent most the day lazing in bed feeling quite pukey, last night I felt like I had an elephant sat on my chest. Wasn't a good day at all, was thinking allsorts.
Felt better when I woke this morning. Even though I woke at 3am again last night, thinking my leg hurt for some bizarre reason then wondering if I had swollen legs. Crazy.
Anyway the last hour or so I have the worst bubbly belly, little explosions going off, fireworks display going on in there I think! And wind! Not like me that.
Only had 4 pieces of toast yesterday as I was right off food.
All ive had today is ....
Cup of tea.
2 pieces of weight watchers toast with low fat spread
Packet of low fat ready salted crisps
3 pieces of Tops pizza garlic & cheese pizza bread (french bread style)
And a cadburys caramel chocolate bar.
Cup of mint skinny cow
Glass of cherry aid.
All throughout the day, not in one go lol
Whats triggered the tummy from that lot please?

18-02-10, 19:41
I would say the garlic and the cherry aid

Cell block H fan
18-02-10, 19:47
I would say the garlic and the cherry aid

Oh I love garlic :sad:
Haven't had cherry aid for a while either, so maybe the combo wasn't the best idea x

18-02-10, 19:55
Well I am only guessing with the garlic but I was thinking about it repeating on you and I know fizzy drinks are bad for IBS

Cell block H fan
18-02-10, 22:42
I keep getting stomach cramps now, coming & going, right across my belly under my ribs. Whats going on with me this week. Its my week off work too. That sucks :lac:

18-02-10, 22:47
Yup fizzy drinks set me off really badly, and although I love garlic it sets me off too so I suspect those are your culprits! They give me terrible cramps, the fizzy drinks in particular and sometimes I get doubled over in agony with needle-stab pains that stop me completely in my tracks and I just have to curl up in a ball and cry until they go away. Damn my love of Coke! I've really just had to completely cut it out.

Cell block H fan
18-02-10, 22:54
Yup fizzy drinks set me off really badly, and although I love garlic it sets me off too so I suspect those are your culprits! They give me terrible cramps, the fizzy drinks in particular and sometimes I get doubled over in agony with needle-stab pains that stop me completely in my tracks and I just have to curl up in a ball and cry until they go away. Damn my love of Coke! I've really just had to completely cut it out.

I can normally drink diet coke, have about 6 cans a week? Dont know what it is, real weeeeird

18-02-10, 23:03
If it was me and I ate that, it'd be:

- garlic and cheese pizza bread
- caramel chocolate bar
- mint skinny cow drink
- cherry ade

Animal fats (cheese, chocolate), garlic, mint, fizzy drinks and artificial sweeteners (skinny cow) all set off my IBS.

I find start of period to be the worst time as well. Drink plenty of water, eat small amounts, eat simple low fat foods and no fizzy drinks. Have you tried a hot water bottle on your stomach? I find this helps.

Cell block H fan
18-02-10, 23:13
If it was me and I ate that, it'd be:

- garlic and cheese pizza bread
- caramel chocolate bar
- mint skinny cow drink
- cherry ade

Animal fats (cheese, chocolate), garlic, mint, fizzy drinks and artificial sweeteners (skinny cow) all set off my IBS.

I find start of period to be the worst time as well. Drink plenty of water, eat small amounts, eat simple low fat foods and no fizzy drinks. Have you tried a hot water bottle on your stomach? I find this helps.

Do you get the mega stomach cramps too? I keep stretching myself straight because ive been sat scrunched up the last couple of days with the laptop on my lap most the time, as i'm off work this week & felt so rough yesterday. It seems to ease off a bit when I straighten up. Maybe its being imobile thats not helped.

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 00:00
This is actually really horrible, it keeps coming & going in waves. All over the middle of my abdomen. I hope it doesn't go on all night I wont be doing any sleeping if it does. I think this is what woke me up the night before last, only not quite as bad.
Its so painful it makes me feel sick. I'm sure its trapped wind, I keep burping, but I think its mostly the other end & no sign of that! lol The only relief i'm getting is being on my knees leaning on my bed typing this...
I so need to sort my diet out, thats it now!