View Full Version : Muscle spasms/shakiness

18-02-10, 20:02
I am on antibiotics for a chest infection, have a day and a half left of a 7 day course. Before I took them I was really tired and generally unwell. I now feel knackered by absolutely everything and mentally slower. I feel like I have done a couple of workouts and my muscles are weak, twitchy and achy.

I still have sharp pains all over and almost warm feelings in random parts of my body, almost as though suddenly covered with warm water. Just feels really strange, lasts a couple of seconds at most each time. Normally in abdomen area.

Does anyone else feel like this and know what I mean? Just need some reassurance before I start building it up and making it into something it isn't.

18-02-10, 21:37
hi there i get the warm sensations. especially on my legs. it doesnt last very long each time but i get the sharp pains too. everywhere. i find the more i worry and the more i stress the worse it gets. im sure you will be fine x x louise

18-02-10, 22:48
I am just so completely exhausted, I can't figure out if it is the anti-biotics of everything together. I feel horrible :(

18-02-10, 23:11
Thanks, it feels as though I am physically shaking, just not particularly visible to anyone looking at me, feels like my nerves are on some heightened level.