View Full Version : Does anyone else have these symtoms

18-02-10, 20:42
i have been worrying so much lately about certain things, i have all these physical symtoms, im shaking alot, and my stomach kind of shuts down and i cant eat and i have never been off food before, i have a scared empty feeling in my stomach, i have lost a stone in weight the last 3 weeks, i feel so cold all the time its really painful. I just wondered if anyone else is suffering with the same


18-02-10, 20:54
hello. when my anxiety first started i had all these symptoms. i still get the shaking, the empty feeling and the coldness. im slowly starting to put the weight back on. i hope you feel better soon x

18-02-10, 21:23

I had this last year, when it was really hot summer I was sitting at home shivering unable to eat or leave the house I lost so much weight. I was worried cos I could not eat and was getting thin, I could not see a way out of it I thought I was seriously ill.

You might not feel like it this moment in time but the symptoms will subside I have re-gained my weight and no longer shake :-)

21-02-10, 11:36

Yes, I still suffer with this. The shaking is because of the amount of adrenaline in your system, and this will affect your ability to eat aswell. It's that primal instinct to fight or flight and a glitch seems to be eating doesn't come into it! The coldness could be an affect of the lack of food, how long has this been going on for? I would recommend getting something like Complan or Nutren, they are quite expensive though so maybe try and get your GP to prescribe a supplement drink instead. This really is awful and I hope it stops soon!! Take care! x

21-02-10, 14:07
no advice really, just didnt want to read and run
i hope this awful curse soon starts to ease for you xx

21-02-10, 14:49
thank you for all your replies, i feel better knowing that others have felt this too, been so scared because ive never experienced this, cant believe the state of my body, i look like im anorexic or something its disgusting, doctor put me on medication and im on my 12th day now and my body seems to have calmed down a little bit. It helps knowing others have suffered this as i really didnt know what was happening to me xx

26-02-10, 18:12
I do get that feeling in my stomach. In fact the first place I feel anxiety is in my stomach

04-03-10, 19:35
hiya,when i first started with anxiety 6 months ago i felt exactly the same symptoms as you and i also lost alot of weight through it does the thought of food make you feel sick?i still get shaky i've just posted a new thread about it do u ever get like jelly legs?i feel cold most of the time my hands are feet are the worse and sometimes i will get just 1 finger that feels cold.don't worry about them they will pass i no it's hard good luck and take care:)