View Full Version : Hi I'm new. Experience of cipralex????

Dee dee
18-02-10, 23:57
Hi I'm new here (well a couple of days) I thought I'd introduce myself.
I suffer with anxiety and depression and have on and off most of my life (I'm 32) but was very severe over christmas, burning, crawling skin, shaking, crazy thoughts, thought I was loosing my mind. Could barely leave the house and extremely jumpy.
I'm just wondering if anyone can share their experiences(if you have any) of cipralex. I started on 5mg for a wk at beginning of Jan this yr and then up to 10mg. It's now wk 6. Although I am generally better and can pretty much funtion day to day and have my anxiety under control I am still having moments of feeling good and then the slightest thing can set me off to feel really bad which can last day's untill I slowly come back out of it. I just want my moods to regulate. Is this nomal when starting cipralex and does anyone know that 'Golden Time' when u feel good most of the time????
I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.
Dee xxx

18-02-10, 23:58
Hi Dee dee

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-02-10, 01:30
These meds all take time to work and stabilise in your system. The up and down moods are very common and can take a few months to settle. I take a similar med to you and it took 2 months just to make a difference in my depression. But we're all different.

You should find that your mood improves after 2 months. If not, it's time to go back to the doctors.

Welcome to NMP

19-02-10, 18:41
Hi and :welcome:to NMP .The Meds forum has a lot of info on cipralex .If you dont improve after the 8week mark ,as Melancholia advises go and see your Dr ,he may up your dose slightly as you are still not on the highest dose .Im sure you will feel better soon .Luv Sue:hugs:

Dee dee
22-02-10, 15:46
Thanks for the feedback guys xx