View Full Version : newby mum, scared of tummy bugs!!

megs b
04-01-06, 01:47
Hi all, great to know this place exists!! I only recently found out ther eeven IS such a thing as emetaphobia!! I thought it was just me!!!

I am a married mum of 3 beautiful children, and have suffered with this as long as I can remember!! I have a huge fear of catching stomach bugs, and am obsessed about the children washing their hands before they eat ( probably just common sense) I am a Christian, and it frustrates me that I feel unable to release this particular fear....If thwere is anyone else out there that is still actually reading this, and on the same remote chapter as me, pleasde give me a hoot...much love, Meggy

Love God, Love Others

04-01-06, 09:18
Hi Megs b,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

04-01-06, 09:37
A big welcome to the forum.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

existential crisis
04-01-06, 10:21
Hey Meg,

Just to say that I also have been through what you are going through. I have also suffered from a phobia of these things since I was small. I am also a mother of a 5 year old. When my son started school I worried immensely over what nasties he was going to pick up whilst he was there - and in a year of him being at school he has had allsorts, stomach bugs included. There isnt any easy way of saying this but kids are unavoidably going to catch things at school and you as their mother are probably going to catch them too. The thing to remember is that a stomach bug is harmless (although not very pleasant) and within 24 hours you will be over it, should you even catch it in the first place. I find that when my son does catch a tummy bug at school there isnt any need to worry or obsess over it - good hygiene (sticking to the same cups, washing your hands, disinfecting the toilet etc etc) is enough to minimise the chances of you contracting it also. I think making your children wash their hands before they eat is just common sense - as long as you are doing it for just simple good hygiene and not because you are frightened or getting obsessive. What you have is a very common fear (as you will see on this forum) and in my experience it does get better. Being sick is never going to be a pleasant thing - find me someone who thinks it is and I'll give you a million quid! But it isnt anything to be scared of - and children and illness go hand in hand! Hope this helps somewhat - you definately arent alone in this. Clare xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*

04-01-06, 10:46
Yup. Been there. My mom was an Army RN, and dad a doc., so handwashing was somewhat emphasized at our home....I took it to the extreme of being a very nervous mommy about germs when my two were born, and my son knew I carried wipies, germ soap gel, etc. in my purse when we went out to restaurants, etc. I explained to my kiddies that this was just my "bag" so to speak, and I'm not perfect, all knowing, etc., but I did wish them to wash up before we ate, etc. I also told them that my behaviour was a bit compulsive if I did say so myself...and my son, at age 7. said, "That's OK, you are our OCD germ mommy, but we love you." That's the thing...kiddies love us warts and all...and not being able to "get over it" may be a gift in disguise in how we are so wonderfully created..Would a leopard wish to "get over" his spots?....Hey...who knows if in modeling ourselves to our kiddies as "humans too" with human frailities that we work through isn't what the Lord had in mind...and you know by working through a behaviour you may consider different that you are both stronger than the behaviour and wonderful at reaching out compassionately to others. Yes...I am the head of the OCD Germ mommies...and should have started a chapter club here in the states LOL LOL. Perseverative or compulsive behaviors and thoughts are probably part and parcel to who we are personality wise. IT is learning to harness the parts which might interfere with day to day living that is all about balance and self health when living in a world with a variety of personality types...but our personality type has many gifts to offer the puzzle and map of human society too, I am convinced. Anxious people have a gifted, thoughtful personality...harnassing this energy is a wonderful thing, with much to offer people. You're a great mommy, and keep having fun with your kiddies! xxo, and hugs and blessings, Taf[8)]

04-01-06, 17:04
Welcome to the forum :)

Annie x

04-01-06, 17:53
Hi meggy and welcome, Im sure you will find lots of other people come along, it is a ressuring thing to find we are not alone.
Take care.xxxxxxxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

04-01-06, 18:43
Hi Meggy

Welcome to the forum. You'll get a lot of help and support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

04-01-06, 20:05
Hi Meggy

A warm welcome aboard.

There are loads of posts on emetophobia so enter it as a keyword in the search box at the top of the page and you will find them all.

Hope it helps


04-01-06, 20:35
Hi Meggy,

I can thoroughly relate to your post! I don't have children myself but I do work with them. I find I have to hold a lot of things back. Sometimes I want to say 'No, don't put that in your mouth, it has been on the floor! Are you mad?!' or 'Cover your mouth before you cough over the whole class!' etc when what I usually say is'Oh dear, remember next time that's not the best thing to do'... it's very hard! A lot of it is common sense which makes it harder as well but I just don't want anything to rub off on any of them.

Anyway, welcome to the site. Some of those past posts have been very useful to me so I hope you get time to look through them.

Tammy x

04-01-06, 21:25
Hi Meggy,

Welcome to the site:D

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

04-01-06, 23:50
Hi and welcome to the forum

How you are feeling is quite common and there are lots of posts on here you can read that will help you loads.

I can only say i have never suffered that part of anxiety and hope the posts you read help you loads and you know that there are lots of us here to help you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

megs b
06-01-06, 04:03
Thankyou so much too all, you are amazing! What an awesome response!! The tummy bug thing is really awful, but I am determined not to live life in fear!! It's actually any kind of vomit!! The bit about tummy bugs is that they are so contagious!! I said recently to a friend of mine that I would have my little finger amputated if I knew I would never feel nauseas or be sick ever again...I guess if I knew that I wouldn't be so stressed out over catching a bug ( which unfortunately knocks me out for days as oppossed to 24 hours) The ironic thing is that the anxiety is what sets me off feeling sick!!! go figure!!! you guys are great, and I'm waffling!!, Love, meg

Love God, Love Others-perfect love casts out all fear