View Full Version : Please help me :( ringing ears!

19-02-10, 10:26
Hello :),

I really need some advice :(, my latest worry i have caused myself! i was obsessed with breast cancer and finally got through that a few weeks ago, i was doing well but could feel my mind wondering for something to worry about.

For some reason it fixated on my ears and i become worried i would develop tinnitus, well! 2 weeks ago my ear rang and then stopped! (this is normal for me) but then i kept thinking omg what if i could still hear a ringing? and i could but only slightly, i knew it was my mind just looking for something to fixate itself on, and i tried to push it away but as always it won!! i became a bit obsessed with looking for a ringing sound which to be honest i could only hear if i concentrated on it.

It didnt effect me to much last week but it did make me increasingly anxious, this week has been terrible i have a high pitched squeal n my left ear that wont leave! i know i have created this symptom and am so mad with myself!! i cant even watch tv without it bothering me. :lac:

I am now a anxious wreck and feel like i am going to go crazy!! the mind is soo powerful!! is ringing in the ear a common symptom with anxiety? and if my anxety levels reduce will the ringing queiten down? I am thinking it is all pyschological because i developed the symptom after i was worried about it.

I know anxiety heightens your senses, i think this slight ringing has always been there but because i am fixated on it, it sounds ridiculously loud! i have had this with my eyes before, i had snow vision and was fixated on it and i thought that would drive me mad, i dont know how i overcame this but i did and now i dont give it a 2nd thought.

Just need some advice :weep: i feel hopeless its always something!! xx

19-02-10, 10:38
hi this past week i have had noise in my ear like high buzzing like you it got me down i know i have high anxiety at moment so thats why i am concentrating on it i hate this illness

19-02-10, 11:07
I had extreme tinnitus for nearly 2 years and SO loud i would have to wear an Ipod in my ears at night to try and cover up the sound AND when i was asleep, it would wake me up. It was awful. It kind of came from the middle of my head rather than my ears - odd!

Good news, it's a lot quiter now, bareable. I don't like it - but it's part of me and i have to deal with it.

19-02-10, 11:08
The mind is a funny thing isnt it Gypsywoman, its nice to know im not alone xxx

19-02-10, 11:12
Thats the thing Belle, i think its my anxiety, its to much of a coincidence that i developed it just after i was worrying and panicing about it. I really hope i dont get Tinnitis like that i dont know how i would cope :weep:

19-02-10, 11:14
the mind is the most owerfull thing ,, scary

19-02-10, 11:53
Thats the thing Belle, i think its my anxiety, its to much of a coincidence that i developed it just after i was worrying and panicing about it. I really hope i dont get Tinnitis like that i dont know how i would cope :weep:
Hi Meg

I do this withthings as well. But the thing is you have probably become fixated on little things and then forgotten them loads of times over the years, everynoe does that. and this is totally exagerated in anxiety.

I think the answer is to trust that if you keep busy you will stop niticing your ringing ears. I have it too but can honestly say i dont notice it unless its totally silent around me. Go and listen to some thing on Ipod or tv quite loud and remember its not the ringing thats the problem is the focus on it!!


19-02-10, 11:56
Lisa you always know exactly what to say :D xx

19-02-10, 18:26
I notice a ringing and a pulsing in my ears and it's more noticeable on the right side..And I admit if I fixate..it gets worse then the thoughts and I remember gettign to the stage a few years back with it that I went to the doctor over and over saying that I thought I had a tumour and it was pressurising my whole head..I mean.. yeah..It seems a bit daft now but..it's so real at the time..and no one understands..apart from here.

I am so thankful I found this forum cos everyone on it is a God send. xx

20-02-10, 01:30
At least you are lucky..you aren't doomed to hear your heart beat in your head like a bass drum the rest of your life..I also have the ringing for over 30 years and the heart beat going on four..I would give anything just to have the ringing again.. Hope you feel better soon.Michael