View Full Version : Itchy Skin

19-02-10, 10:34
For the past 2 days my skin has been so itchy especially on my legs. I've taken ages to get to sleep because I've been scratching that much. I can't see a rash at all so don't know why I'm itching. I've moisturised my skin to see if that would help but it hasn't. It's driving me crazy and a little voice in the back of my mind is saying what if it's something to do with my liver (know itchy skin can be a symptom).

I had a liver function test last year and it was normal so I know really it isn't but just stressing this morning (think because sister is in hospital having a minor op and just waiting for her to call to say she's ok).

19-02-10, 11:09
Hi Hun. Try putting calamine lotion on your skin... sooths my hives so it should help your itch! I sure it will go away once you hear your sister is okay. Have you had an allergy test? Perhaps you could be allergic to something. Have you been using a new soap? xx

19-02-10, 11:56
For the past 2 days my skin has been so itchy especially on my legs. I've taken ages to get to sleep because I've been scratching that much. I can't see a rash at all so don't know why I'm itching. I've moisturised my skin to see if that would help but it hasn't. It's driving me crazy and a little voice in the back of my mind is saying what if it's something to do with my liver (know itchy skin can be a symptom).

I had a liver function test last year and it was normal so I know really it isn't but just stressing this morning (think because sister is in hospital having a minor op and just waiting for her to call to say she's ok).

Hey Cat

Stress and anxiety makes your skin itchy as well. Its something to do with the blood flowing more to the main muscles and away form the top skin layers. Its the same thing that causes dry skin in folks under stress.It wil be probably worse cos everyones got loads of heatingon inside cos its so cold and your maybe sweating a little more than usual.


19-02-10, 15:33
Hi Cat

Yep anxiety will make your skin really itchy. Mine flares up from time to time and drives me absolutely bonkers for about a week or so. The only thing that seems to work for me is Eurax cream, which you can just buy off the shelf. That gets rid of the itch for a good few hours and stops me scratching! Lisa is right too with the heat thing, or perhaps your skin is just being irritated by something - have you changed shower gel/washing powder/moisturiser or anything recently?

19-02-10, 15:47
Hi there,
Ive suffered with this for years, and now i use Aquirist cream that you can buy in the chemist its really good for the skin you can put a blob in the bath too and bathe in it. its much more gentle on the skin than E45 and all the other skin creams you can get..itchy skin can be stressed related or allergy related i suffer with with allergys and when i take my allergy tablets it helps with the itching especially on the legs at times ive itched my legs so much ive been left with bruises so i know how you must feel...