View Full Version : Withdrawing...is this normal??

19-02-10, 11:02
Hi Everyone,
So, I was taking 20mg citalopram, then stopped suddenly, as I was away from home and I'd run out. I'd been off them for about two months when I felt like I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I went to the doctor and I said I wanted lithium. She made me an appointment to see a psychiatrist and told me to restart the citalopram. I went to the psy two weeks ago, who told me to reduce my dose to 10mg, see how we go with that and he'll see if he can switch my meds (cit just doesn't work for me). Is this normal for a psychiatrist to do this?

Also, I didn't experience any withdrawal symptoms immediately like I always do, it's only two weeks later that I'm experiencing loss of appetite, manic-like behaviour and little need for sleep and my thoughts are rushing through my head a million times a second.
Is this normal? I'm so confused :shrug:

19-02-10, 11:17
ys this drug can have side effects when you come off them it will ware off

19-02-10, 11:28
From all I've read what you're going through is completely normal. Lots of people have to experiment with different meds before they find something that works, can be frustrating for sure! Hope things work out and you find something that helps! Keep us posted! :hugs:

26-02-10, 17:32
Hi, thanks for your advice and support. I now feel like I've crashed and am feeling super anxious. I have lots of essay deadlines but I find that I can't concentrate on them, I'm sat staring at a page, which of course makes my anxiety worse. I'm also reluctant to leave the house at night. I'm fine during the day, but I never want to socialise in the evening. It's strange, I've always been such a social butterfly, but the thought of going out fills me with dread, despite them all being very good friends of mine. I panic at the thought of staying in yet another night in front of trashy TV and a (very nice) glass of red, but I just cannot summon up the energy to go out. I could go out before I started on meds and when I was very depressed, but why can't I now??????:scared15: