View Full Version : How long can you not eat for???

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 11:30
Ive done a couple of posts this week about stomach troubles. After a nasty night with Colic type cramps in the middle of my abdomen, I finally got some sleep about 2am, sitting upright.
Feel quite queasy today, I assume thats part of the I.B.S from the junk I ate yesterday.
But the cramps themselves weren't too bad this morning, althougn I did have the runs first thing.
Ive been absolutely starving so had some of my usual weight watchers malted danish bread toasted with small amount of low fat Lurpak.
Its only been half hour & just had the nastiest Coliccramp, like last night. Only thing that makes it pass is stretching upright.
I am assuming I need to just not eat for a day or so? How long can that go on for though? And has anyone else had this Colic thing? It comes in waves. I feel so sorry for babies! It makes you feel sick :weep:

19-02-10, 12:26
Ive done a couple of posts this week about stomach troubles. After a nasty night with Colic type cramps in the middle of my abdomen, I finally got some sleep about 2am, sitting upright.
Feel quite queasy today, I assume thats part of the I.B.S from the junk I ate yesterday.
But the cramps themselves weren't too bad this morning, althougn I did have the runs first thing.
Ive been absolutely starving so had some of my usual weight watchers malted danish bread toasted with small amount of low fat Lurpak.
Its only been half hour & just had the nastiest Coliccramp, like last night. Only thing that makes it pass is stretching upright.
I am assuming I need to just not eat for a day or so? How long can that go on for though? And has anyone else had this Colic thing? It comes in waves. I feel so sorry for babies! It makes you feel sick :weep:

i get this sometimes, try some soda water, it does not help everyone but it helps me, please do not have nothing to eat as this can make you worse, i know when you are feeling like you are, its hard as the eating is making you not well, try some bio yoghurt to line your stomach and if you do feel you cannot eat, make sure you have re-hydrations powders and drink plenty fluids

it might be the bread that is giving you a sore tummy as some breads can do this, try not to have the bread for a couple of days to see if this helps

try some colpermin is quite good for ibs and if it gets worse talk to your gp

i hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 12:38
i get this sometimes, try some soda water, it does not help everyone but it helps me, please do not have nothing to eat as this can make you worse, i know when you are feeling like you are, its hard as the eating is making you not well, try some bio yoghurt to line your stomach and if you do feel you cannot eat, make sure you have re-hydrations powders and drink plenty fluids

it might be the bread that is giving you a sore tummy as some breads can do this, try not to have the bread for a couple of days to see if this helps

try some colpermin is quite good for ibs and if it gets worse talk to your gp

i hope you are feeling better soon :hugs:

Was going to say what could I get for it, will pop to the chemist for some of that then.
Ive had similar cramps before but it didn't last quite so long.
I'm actually wondering if its bread too. Its just weird because ive had it all my life lol
Can I eat bananas? Or will that make it worse? Thats the trouble I think, I dont really know what I can have whilst this is going on, so think i'm better avoiding eating, but feeling hungry makes you feel more sick doesnt it x

19-02-10, 13:22
the best way to do it, is when you eat something, write down how it makes you feel if it makes you feel ill, some foods might aggrivate more than others, bananas are good as they have lots of good things in them

breads funny, sometimes you are okay with some types and not others, i get an upset tummy with whitebread yet i am fine with brown and i can eat cheese and yoghurt but milk and ice cream make me upset, annoying when i love ice cream

colpremin is good though as its good for ibs

hope you find a solution :hugs:

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 13:40
the best way to do it, is when you eat something, write down how it makes you feel if it makes you feel ill, some foods might aggrivate more than others, bananas are good as they have lots of good things in them

breads funny, sometimes you are okay with some types and not others, i get an upset tummy with whitebread yet i am fine with brown and i can eat cheese and yoghurt but milk and ice cream make me upset, annoying when i love ice cream

colpremin is good though as its good for ibs

hope you find a solution :hugs:

Thank you, going to pop to the chemist & lay off the bread for a bit I think. I did have 2 pieces of best of both yesterday, I forgot that. Makes me wonder if the white bread thing is true for me too (thats more white than brown that bread)
Thank you :hugs:

19-02-10, 13:41
hi cell block if you are finding it hard to eat try smoothies etc tey helped me when i was haivng probs xx

Cell block H fan
19-02-10, 14:37
hi cell block if you are finding it hard to eat try smoothies etc tey helped me when i was haivng probs xx

Thanks amandaj, ive just been & got some Colpermin peppermint thingies. Did you notice when you were walking about the spasms ease off more?? I find when i'm sitting still I notice it more.
It does say on the leaflet if you drink alcohol with them you can get the uncommon side affects. Bang goes my night out lol I was hoping these would get rid so that I CAN go out tonight & have a few bevvies :lac: