View Full Version : Its night time here in Australia

19-02-10, 11:46
And my husband is on call this coming week and has just had a call out.

I have just had a palpatation and felt dizzy and I am scared to be home alone with my kids incase something happens to me.

These palps are scaring me more than any of the other symptoms that I have had.

I only have little kids, 3 under 4.5 and I worry they will wake one morning and something will be wrong with me and they won't know what to do.:lac:

19-02-10, 14:11

19-02-10, 14:26
Hey there - I'm in Australia too, and I find it tough here at nighttime, being so isolated. It doesn't help being physically alone too, though, unlike yourself, I don't have kids!

Do you have any hobbies you can partake in on your own at home? Or ones you can do with your kids of an evening before heading to bed? I'm not sure where you're living, but I'm in Melbourne, and the weather is fantastic at the moment... warm but not too hot. Maybe organise a wander to the park with your kids (ok, not tonight seeing as it's 1.15am - that's all kinds of creepy) and hopefully a bit of evening exercise will calm you and distract you at the same time.

19-02-10, 21:08
Hi Marley and Samantha, Im in Melbourne aswell. My husband works alot at night so thats when I google and freak myself out. Samantha, I cant believe you said "you only have 3 little kids" ONLY. Thats a handful. I only have one 2 year old and Im wreaked. It sounds a though you are just having a panic attack. Hobbies are a great idea. I started to paint and sew and that keeps my mind entertained for the most part. Im glad ive found 2 other from Australia. I thought I was the only one. Adelle.x

19-02-10, 21:23
Thank you both xxxxx

I had a very interesting night with a 2.5 year old in my bed so at least that distracted me lol.

I always find nights the hardest, especially so when hubby isn't here.

I am in Sydney - and yep I do have some hobbies (mainly crafts) but my mind is so clever that I can craft and worry at the same time lol.

Thank you both again xxxxx

19-02-10, 22:07
HI Sam I am in Queensland.I know what it is like to be on your own,my hubby works out west and comes home on weekend.I am here alone with just my dog and Lifeline.I ring them often,when I start to feel anxious.I have bad Palps,but just do my breathing and visiualisation,I do calm down after a while,try and not feed the negative.I wish you well.
Love Rhonda x:)

20-02-10, 11:52
Hey all,
Melbourne girl here!
You should grab yourself a mediation cd and pop it on ur ipod ... I find during the nights if I get a little worried or something I chuck that on and it seems to soothe me, think it becomes more of a distraction and I don't seem to think as much.

21-02-10, 09:03
Brizvegas boy here.
Nights are bad at the start but it WILL get better.
Phill :shades:

21-02-10, 10:46
Thanks Phil, this is going on 18 months for me now, so I wish it was bad because it was the start lol. I hope it isn't still the start, otherwise I am in for a very long road:roflmao:

I am in Sydney :)

21-02-10, 13:22
I know what you mean Sam - it's been so long for me that I forget what it was like before having HA... it's sad, because I'm only just 25 too. There are so many amazing things I am missing out on because of this. I had some opportunities present themselves that I let slip by me, too wrapped up in my neuroses. Ugh. I'm trying.