View Full Version : bumpy road

19-02-10, 13:57
hi. im now goin on 2 months an cit and its such a bumpy ride. i dont think i was quite expecting it to be so up and down all the time. got some bad news today regarding my my university application and its crashed me again. ive still got 1 more uni im trying for but i so wanted this other one so i could move away and start again. all i can think now is that im not going to get into either and ill be back to square one again. how do people cope with the ups and downs and how can i be positive again?? xx

20-02-10, 01:36
Its tough but can be done..its what most people call growing pains.. life is a series of these but when you find that you can roll with the punches better than you thought ,everything will be ok..Michael