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View Full Version : Any fellow Eczema sufferers?

19-02-10, 15:40
I'm having a bit of a time of it at the moment and it's getting me down and I know that stress makes it worse and htings in the diet etc but I dunno what to do to try and help it. Any skin boosting tips etc? I'm at a loss.I#m fed up with these flare ups and I dunno what causes them exactly..It's odd cos I can be stressed but my skin is fine then other times it goes..then I eat something and it may go but then another time it doesn't..I'm fed up. I hate it.

What sort of things help?

I'm getting it into my head I'm going to end up with open wounds with "things" getting in and I'll literally rot. :'(

19-02-10, 16:13
I find Oilatum is the only thing that helps me. Nothing else I have evr tried has ever worked. I use the cream like 3 times a day and you can also buy a special shower gel or bath emollient so when you wash you aren't too harsh on your eczemea. I love the bath emollient - you soak in it for like 20mins and then get out and pat yourself dry. The emollient leaves like a smooth moisture barrier on your skin which helps repair the eczema.
Eczema is awful, I completely sympathise. I get it all over my arms and I hate having to have them on show at work because all the patients look at me like I have some awful skin disease :mad:

19-02-10, 16:42
Can you buy oilatum in the pharmacy or is ir prescribed? I have always got topical steroid treatment creams but they only work so much and you can't keep using them..

I'd love to try some stuff on my own! I get it quite bad on the backs of my knees,elbows and round my mouth which makes me wonder if it's certain foods or drinks but I dunno which..it's just always rough..just worse more times than others..gah.. And I had it bad as a child and I would get other children shouting at me I had aids. :weep:

Thanks for the reply love and I'm sorry you have it too,it's a nightmare xxx

19-02-10, 16:51
I also like Oilatum cream and the bath emolient. Although they can work out quite expensive, it is worth paying for the relief you get from them.

Other stuff I use is aqueous cream (although it helps, it is a bit messy and makes me feel like I am preparing myself for a cross channel swim!). I get Betnovate cream from my GP or you can buy a milder steriod cream, Hydrocotisone from the chemists. UV light can also help a lot of people.

Maybe your GP can suggest something for you or reffer you to a skin specialist.

I can also sympathise with you. Not only is eczema very uncomfortable it is also embarrasing.

Good luck xxx :hugs:

19-02-10, 20:13
Yep you can just buy Oilatum at the pharmacy, just on the shop floor - it's not behind the counter or anything. They have a range of different things, even shampoos and particular creams for your face, so there should be something suitable! I love the way they smell too! :)
Oh it's a nightmare on the backs of your knees - my other half gets it really bad on his. I make him walk around without his trousers on when he is in because I think they aggravate it! You could defo be sensitive to certain foods etc to be getting it around your mouth. Perhaps it is worth having some sort of allergy test to try and rule a few things out? I keep meaning to have one - I randomly break out in hives from time to time that last weeks and I have no idea what I am allergic to lol! :wacko:xx