View Full Version : For Tina

19-02-10, 19:00
Tnt - Tina is also having a tough time at the moment - just wanted to remind you we are all here for you hun. lots of huggles

Munkey x :bighug1::bighug1:

Vanilla Sky
19-02-10, 19:02
T , I hope you are ok hun , we are here for you :bighug1:Paige xx

19-02-10, 19:09
We all love you Tina :hugs:
Gem xxx

19-02-10, 19:12
:hugs::hugs:take care here if you need anything:hugs::hugs:

19-02-10, 19:15
tina hun keep your chin up hun and u know im here for u big huggles

19-02-10, 19:20
huggels hunny always round if you need a chat hun xxxxxxxx

19-02-10, 19:28
Well this for one of my best mates Tina!!!!!

I forget how many times you have made me laugh when i was down, and always been there for me, with a smile (virtual of coarse) and a good laugh. You have always supported and helped me, your a great friend.
I know your having a hard time at the minute, and i want to help you through it,, everyone does!!!! You can talk to me anytime, you know that.
Wishing you lots of love,,,,,,,Regards Wayne......xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

PS,,,,,,,,Dont think this means your more mental than me,,,,,,lol,,,,,

And your not leaving,,,,we wont let you,,,,,,,,

19-02-10, 20:10
You're a sneaky one Karyn:blush:

Thank you all for the support. I'm so angry with myself right now, was doing so well..I can't believe I've let myself get back to this point!
I just want to sleep for a week- and wake up with it gone..no chance huh?

19-02-10, 20:46
Awwww *huggles*

You have always been really supportive of me in chat hun, sorry to hear you are having a rough time.

Hope I can be here for you too.

Lima x

19-02-10, 20:47
Tina lovely,

I've been so wrapped up in myself lately I didn't realise you felt so bad. I'm sorry hun and I'm always here if you need a shoulder :hugs:

Sue xxx

19-02-10, 23:18
Howdy my Cyber mate,I am here for you,hoping you feel better soon.

Luv Rhonda x:flowers:

20-02-10, 00:11
hey tina big hugs hun here for ya and stay strong xx

20-02-10, 04:59
tnt ii hope u get better soon...you have been there for me when i was haven a bad time and i still am but u made me laugh all the time..i hope u stay with us ...

20-02-10, 08:33
We all want that Tina. But it would be too easy. We all need to keep fighting, tooth and nail and push through the pain.... We will make it to the other side, I promise.

Hugs :hugs::hugs:


20-02-10, 11:38
hope you feel better soon tina!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

twigs xx

20-02-10, 23:50
Tina...Great big hugs for a fab person and a great friend. Really sorry to hear you aint doing so well. Keep your chin up babes, get better soon.

Kez xxxx

21-02-10, 12:27
Aww, I hope you feel better soon tina :hugs:xxxxxxxx

22-02-10, 04:11
Thank you all for the hugs and support. I hope I feel better soon too- nice to know that you all are out there:hugs:

Granny Primark
22-02-10, 07:48
So sorry. Didnt realise you are feeling so down.
You are such a special person to me and always make me smile.
Thinking of you and sending you loads of :bighug1::hugs::bighug1::hugs:

22-02-10, 07:59
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time Tina. Hope you start to pick up soon.You have really helped me lately. Alwys here if you need a chat. Hugs.xxxxxx:hugs:

22-02-10, 11:16
Tina you are such a nice person, love and hope is coming your way, we all think the world of you xxxxxxx

love always crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

22-02-10, 12:45
Hi Tina,

I've not been on for a while, so real sorry to hear you are having a tough time. Hope you feel better soon, otherwise you'll have to do some decorating in the garage!!