View Full Version : Constant headache.

19-02-10, 20:14
For the past few weeks iv had this horrible head and neck ache/ pain. Its there when i wake up and when i go to bed. Feels like pure pressure and pain. All throughout the day. Its doing my box in. And im just worried its something worse. Can a headache last so long without it being anything serious? Is this a cause of my anxciety? Im really scared. Has anybody else had a headache this long? Or from waking in the morning to going to bed at night?

19-02-10, 20:23
Hi there, yes I've had those headaches. Had them all day, gone to bed with headache and woke up with headache. The tension from your anxiety will definitely not help it. I think you just need to relax, easier said than done I know, but I really think it is just the tension in the neck and shoulders that causes it. Doesn't matter how many tablets you take for it, it never seems to go. Drink plenty of water and try and get out for a walk in the fresh air. Do you work, if your using a computer all the time it can make it worse. Hope you soon feel better and please don't worry. I've been there and I know exactly how you feel. :-)

Jannie x x

19-02-10, 20:27
Thanks Jannie. Its just awfull.. Just had it for so long. Wouldnt be so bad if i didnt wake with it and go to bed with it. Never new that headaches and a sore neck could be so bad with anxciety.. My neck is also burning to alot like i have sunburn thats agony aswell :(

19-02-10, 20:51
Have you got an ice pack that you could put on the back of your neck? I usually keep a small bean bag in the freezer that I lay around my neck cos I find it helps. Even if you wrap some ice in something and just lay it on your neck it might help.

20-02-10, 11:26

Yes I get this a lot with my anxiety too. The pressure feeling is down to muscle tension in your neck, scalp and head. It's awful isn't it? The trick is to truely believe that this is the cause and not obsess about it being something else. (Easier said than done I know). I also get the burning feeling too, which is also down to stressed muscles. I find that hot baths and heat packs help a little, and I've also been trying indian head massage with helps to releive the tension.

You're not alone, and it's a very common anxiety symptom.

Lisa x

20-02-10, 11:46
Most def!
I had one for around 7 weeks as a result of neck and shoulder pain from an injury and with my anxiety it made it all much worse as the body holds a lot of tension and stress in those areas, and even at times when you dont feel stressed and you are still getting the pains it makes it harder to understand but rest assured if you have neck pain etc then your headaches are a result of the pain.

I have now been headache free for 2 weeks, amazing! Had treatment last night from my physio and am tender today so have had a little bit of a headache.

I suggest you go to a physio or even go get a massage or remedial massage, it will do the world of good for you!

Keep me posted on how your doing!

22-03-10, 18:13
My head is throbbing at the moment anybody else? Feel like my head has peggs on it. :lac:

23-03-10, 01:04
I have had headache struggles and facial pain I beleive it was all anxiety related. as I tried every medication and had mRIs and everything else. Now that i know i have anxiety I can easily look at it and kNOW it was caused by anxiety. That being said try ice packs on your neck I also use Caspain creme on my neck be careful it burns but good!
I do want to know about these burning sensations as I am suffering from them on my feet, legs, and back it moves and makes me crazy. I went to my nuero & Dr had blood work and recent MRIs from the headache. I am down to it being anxiety so since u guys mentioned it I want to ask about it :)
Feel better with ur headaches.