View Full Version : am i going mad??????

19-02-10, 21:49
it seems as tho im slipping further into this constant dreamy unreal bizzarre world,can this really be caused by anxiety and depression ??? please help anyone.

20-02-10, 01:08

20-02-10, 01:11
Absolutely.. Just keep saying to yourself ..Its only a feeling and it will go away..

and it will. Just try to stay busy and the thoughts will subside.. Michael

20-02-10, 01:20
I think it must be connected - I get that spaced out feeling a lot. I have to go for a walk or do something active to get it to calm a bit

20-02-10, 01:51
My secret is....I get up and do something I don't want to do..I talked to a therapist one time about feeling what you are and ask him if I should just go to an insane institute and he said it would be easier for you to just get up and make you do something you don't want to do ,like the laundry or wash the car or something.. because the way the treat people in the insane places is to make them scrub the floor with toothbrushes..I never mentioned to him again those thoughts and took his advice..it helped somewhat. I have to get up and do something anything I hate doing..usually works.. Michael

20-02-10, 13:41
I hope so cos thats exactly how i feel at the moment. It seems to get worse when I've something on my mind or at night. Its very scarey.

20-02-10, 13:46
i am same at moment playing games on here to try take mind off i feel for you why does axiety cause this a not depressed

20-02-10, 19:46
thanks all,it seems as though part of the brain shuts down its so frustrating trying to cling on to reality,i feel very trippy at the mo which sort of makes you feel unique.