View Full Version : Feeling worse than ever

19-02-10, 23:23
Hi all,
Feeling really bad at the moment - my anxiety is eating away at me and I'm afraid I'm gonna go crazy. I feel panicky most of the time and even sitting down to watch tv at night with my husband makes me feel sick. I'm afraid that I'm just gonna get up and start screaming and totally lose control of myself. When I'm alone, I feel ok but even when I go up to bed, I feel panicky.Started taking zispin last week - they help me sleep but don't ease my other problems. Feel like a complete freak. Anybody else out there feeling the same ?

19-02-10, 23:57
Hi there,
You're not the only one-
I feel dreadfully shaky after a panick attack this morning, and have discovered that I now have many sympoms of anxiety- which lead to a fear of having another panick attack whilst in public, or at school, and like you said, screaming and losing control.
You're not a freak, either that, or we're both freaks (which I strongly object to!)
I'm also struggling with sleep, everythin I've tried has either not worked, or given me the worst nightmares ever and I've awoken having a panic attack (which is VERY unpleasent)
(also, this is the first time I've posted anything... so if the internet suddenly brakes, it may well be my fault...)

20-02-10, 23:51
The worst part of anxiety is feeling like you say like a 'freak'...I know exactly how you feel. But I find that if I do talk about how I feel then it is amazing how many people feel the same. In fact, some degree of anxiety and fear of losing control is normal. But it can get out of proportion especially when you are alone or at night.

Having a major panic attack at 2am when everyone else is sleeping is so scary and isolating. I sometimes think i cannot bear to live with this for the rest of my life, I feel so exhausted and just wish I was 'normal'.

Recognising that you have a real physical condition and that it's not 'all in your mind' is important. This is as real as flu or a broken leg.

Remember you are not alone and this site can really help you. X