View Full Version : Chilled to Anxious in 0.02 seconds!

19-02-10, 23:33
So I'm just sat here minding my own business and feeling more chilled and relaxed than I have in such a very long time.

I'm watching some tv which I have had on the sky plus box and I am really engrossed, when 'OOOCH!'I get this quick but very sharp pain in my chest (yes! In my heart!!).

Now I'm panicking and leaping off the sofa, I'm forcing myself top belch because then If I find I am full of gas I have something other than an heart attack to blame it on.

This is not one of my usual area's of worry or concern but straight away 'HEART ATTACK HEART ATTACK HEART ATTACK' is flashing on my radar.

Now I'm getting twinges in my left arm so my worry is far from subsiding. I havent been watching any programmes on heart attacks, I have'nt stumbled across this health scare on any of my recent visits to Dr Google's surgery so where the hell as it come from????


Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

Arent we allowed to just feel chilled and free from worry without Anxiety jumping us from behind????

Do you think I need to go to A&E if it gets any worse or I get any more twinges??

x :scared15:

19-02-10, 23:50
Ok calm down - you would know if it was a heart attack trust me and you would not be posting here - you would be calling 999

Heart attacks do not present as pains on the left in the heart area.

The heart muscle can contract when we are stressed and cause pain

Stretch your arms behind you and do some slow deep breathes.

If the pains does not subside call 999 but when I had a heart attack I was not posting on here for help I was on the phone for help so I am guessing you are ok and it is muscle pain

pussy cat
20-02-10, 00:19
most likly to be trapped wind but as we all know a pain/feeling anywhere in that region is a heart attack in our minds - take some bi-carb or chew a rennie,try & steady your breathing & it will subside

20-02-10, 01:16
I hate that stupid gas and the more you are upset the more gas and the more pain.. So just try to take some anti-acids and try to relax.If you are really concerned see your doctor.. but it sounds like about what we all go though most of the time.. Feel better.. Michael

20-02-10, 18:03
:doh: You were all right...............of course! and I went on to have a good (ish) nights sleep!! sadly, not totally worry free but at least I wasnt having an heart attack. PHEW!!!