View Full Version : Psychiatrist

19-02-10, 23:39
Hey, I'm off to see a psychiatrist tomorrow for the first time. :unsure: Not really sure what to expect. Has anyone been to one before? I'm not good at talking to people, so not sure how well it's going to go. Anyone found it helpful?
Gem xxx

19-02-10, 23:47
It depends what you are seeing them for I guess

You will need to talk though or you will get nothing out of it.

Good luck

20-02-10, 00:25
I'm seeing her for anxiety and depression.

20-02-10, 00:40
It's really useful! I'm seeing one regularly. The most important thing is that you feel you can tell her things openly, or that you will be able to in time.

I always worry before every appointment what I should tell her - it really works me up. But when I get there, she steers the conversation - it's what she's there for. She's trained how to find out what she needs to know about you. Just trust her expertise and the rest will follow :) good luck, hope she's the right one for you xx

20-02-10, 01:58
Actually I found them very refreshing. You can be totally candid with them and they can't tell anyone.. you can chat about whatever you want and they listen and they comment.. I have often thought about going to one because you pay for them to listen to you .. lol.. It will be just fine you will enjoy it.. Michael

20-02-10, 08:36
I started seeing a psychiatrist a few weeks ago. Its very helpful. It is like seeing a doctor and a psychologist/therapist in one!! They are the most skilled people to help with mental health issues - so feel happy you are seeing the best!!

You will sit down and he or she will ask about your problems. They will usually ask lots of questions. It may help you to write everything you want to say/are feeling down on a piece of paper before hand, that way if you get nervous you won't forget things :) Don't be embarassed either, I do it all the time with my GP!

Usually at the end of the session the psychiatrist will tell you what she wants to talk about further next session, refer you to any other doctors you may need to see (nutritionalists, psychologists, etc) and if he or she feels you need it will prescibe you medication.

My psychiatrist has been very helpful so far.

Good luck! I hope it goes well. xxxx

20-02-10, 23:02
Thanks everyone :) I went today and it was really helpful. I felt I could talk to her about everything and I think it's going to be good for me.
Gem xxx :hugs:

04-04-10, 23:02
Glad to hear it MissG... I just find it hard speaking to my GP..!

What sort of things did she ask you (i'm not after personal info)?
How long did the session last?
Do you feel a little more comfortable about her now?