View Full Version : i did it!!!!

20-02-10, 10:46
few of you may remember from a previous thread i got into the habbit of taking my 5mg cipralex every other night and have done since prob xmas and i was going down hill with anxiety bad so i know i needed to take them every night again. well i was putting it off and off and last night i took it on my 'night off'! (i was petrified at the thought of the bad side effects it could cause)

half hour after i took it i still could not sleep and was shaking so much even my teeth were clapping together and i got up and went to the toilet (sorry tmi) went back to bed and just felt really 'wierd' hard to explain but dozed off in the end though. must admit it did frighten me then i dont suppose i have done myself any favours by taking them every other night for past few months

any kind words or advice would be greatly appreciated as usual xx

20-02-10, 10:59
Might be some of those symptoms were more to do with the worry than side effects. It is awful when you both want medication to help with fear, but taking it also causes fear. A weird paradox and one I know so well.

Take heart, it was okay. Were you trying to cut down or something?

20-02-10, 11:07
well around xmas time i missed a dose (not on purpose though) and i thought to mysellf i was ok so i thought i would just carry on taking them every other night! silly mistake!
and yes cant agree more with your comment about the fear thing!

i hope a lot of it was down to worry though!


20-02-10, 13:21
Well done for doing it!!!!
That is good news, keep at it......the feelings you were feeling were because you were anxious!! I am sure you will start to feel better very, very soon.
Big hugs :hugs:x x

20-02-10, 18:45
thanks a lot zojo means lots (((((((hugs))))))) xxxx