View Full Version : Roses2

20-02-10, 14:55
Hi Everyone,

I have been put on promazene 75mg X 3 times daily from the doctors for a relationship breakdown. Somedays I feel I require 100mg to calm me down. Is it okay to take X4 tablets one day and 2 the other days. The doctor wont up the medicene.

I went into hospital the other week as I took a parcetamol overdose and ended up being detoxed aswell.

I am really feeling very depressed keep trying to sleep all day and feel i dont want to wake up. Should the promazine sort this?

I have been reffered for CBT but I am rather reticent if it will work.


20-02-10, 14:57
Hi Roses2

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-02-10, 15:02
Hi Dianne,

Thanks for your email.

Just been browsing the net as nothing else appears to be working at the moment and stumbled on the website.

I am finding at the moment that doctors dont appear to be able to deal with mental health like the hospital can. Is this a common feeling. The doctor is trying to knock my medication down and I cant cope with what I am on at the moment.

Have you found the website useful?