View Full Version : Feeling so alone now

20-02-10, 15:42
Everyone around me are starting to think maybe I should be better after 2 months on meds. Truth is Im no better and am starting to feel alone in all this. Im taking my meds, exercising doing all I should but not getting anywhere. I sought out help to get better and its not working i dont know where to turn now some days are just so dark and gloomy its scary to live with. Im breaking down just writing this, wheres the light?

20-02-10, 15:48
Please don't feel alone, you are definitely not because there is always someone here to listen to you. It is hard for people around you to understand what you are going through and 2 months on meds is not a long time, I have just passed my 3 months and just had to have the dosage increased because I still had anxiety and panic. Please go back to see you dr as you might need your dosage increased also. I'm on Citalopram, what are you taking? I have been increased from 20mg to 40mg only started the increased dose last night so waiting to see what happens. Please keep posting and there will be other people to help you.

Jannie x x

20-02-10, 16:04
Hi Jannie,

Im on 150mg Venlafaxine (Effexor) I was increased from 75mg 4 weeks ago and have had no improvement I just feel so tired aswell. Its disheartening because there are so many threads of people saying they got some relief within a few weeks Ive had nothing of great note. Im so scared that Im going to feel like this for much longer. I cant tell if im depressed or anxious anymore, I know I feel sad most the time and scared of my thoughts and feelings other times.....I just want to feel better.

20-02-10, 16:10
Hi chris, it's so incredibly hard to deal with and most people simply haven't a clue how awful it can be, and well meaning friends can be such a pain. I know a lot of people on the site refer to increases in amounts of their anti depressants but some people, i'm one, simply don't react to particular drugs which is why we have to struggle back to the doc and keep trying. Obviously i'm not saying stop taking them, but the doc needs to know how bad you feel. We understand, you're not alone

20-02-10, 16:12
have you had any success with meds ?

20-02-10, 16:20
You will feel better, maybe the meds you are on are not working for you, tell your dr exactly how you are feeling, maybe you need to try another med. I too feel sad some days because I want to feel well again, hopefully we soon will. Just have a word with your dr and I'm sure you will get the help you need. My dr also gives me diazapam to get me through the bad days. Just keep posting if you need people to talk to.

Jannie x x

20-02-10, 16:35
thanks Jannie

21-02-10, 01:01
Hi Chris

I'm on Sertraline, been on 50mg for 9 weeks now. The past few weeks, I've noticed that I seem brighter and like I am functioning better. But because I've been thinking more, my thoughts at night have started to scare me more and more. I don't feel able to discuss the thoughts and feelings I have with my friends. My friends are all getting on with their lives and moving away places so I don't even see anyone any more.

Medication can help but it isn't the answer in itself. I know where you're coming from, I've sought all the help I can but just feel more depressed. Keep posting here and keep going back to your doctor, as has been said. Keep talking about your feelings, let them out.

21-02-10, 11:29
Hi Chris,

I'm so sorry you feel this way. It is incredibly frustrating when people around you think these little pills will 'cure' you in a matter of weeks. Like you, I have had very little success with medications so I know exactly how you feel. You're doing all the right things, the fact that you're exercising I think is a massive achievement! I would say though, if you're getting thoughts which are scaring you, call your GP or psychiatrist. You're definately not alone here!

Kat M.
23-02-10, 13:12
Hi Chris,

The right medication can be extremely good in giving you a bit more energy and motivation to deal with your issues, but it will not cure you (just my opinion, as well as my personal experience during my depression).

The point here is YOU have to figure out what is causing you all this pain inside. We all have needs we have to meet, otherwise we get miserable, helpless, lethargic and eventually depressed.

What have to happen in your life in the next year for you to feel that you are trully on the mend?



p.s. You have an amazing self-discipline walking/running every day! I really admire this!

23-02-10, 13:15
the little improvements are the hardest to notice, can you have faith in your own recovery system, and stick with it? If you're talking about SSRI Citalopram when you say meds, then I thought the same, they didnt hit the spot for me.

23-02-10, 13:56
Hi. I feel so sad that you feel you are getting nowhere fast. Its all so very tiring isn't it? The important thing here is that you are being proactive. Keep exercising, keep healthy and keep consulting with your doc. Something will work for you even if its not medication. Unfortunately, you need a lot of patience before you get there. The body and mind is such a complicated thing. If this was easy, there wouldn't be so many medications on the market! Seriously if you feel everything is becoming stagnant, maybe you could make some changes yourself such as a different kind of exercise or take a look at your nutritional health, everything helps. Its amazing what changes can do to take your mind off things while you giving your medication time to work. Meanwhile keep fighting this horrible thing, don't give up. We will win!

25-02-10, 15:48
Hi again thank for the responses. This past week I went back to the doctors he told me to stick at it a bit longer without increasing. Things hadnt been so low until today I just broke down again and I cant even pinpoint why? Maybe I just felt low and am frustrated at still feeling this way, I hate crying when I start I struggle to stop for a good hour. I just wish I could pinpoint the problem, yes there was a death last year, yes I have had anxiety for a few years, I dislike my job. But I have great family, friends, partner, social life and hobbies.

25-02-10, 22:28
Chris has your doctor referred you for any counselling? Has he given you a crisis phone line at all? If not, what about asking him? If you are feeling REALLY bad, don't forget the Samaritans. Don't suffer alone, you really don't need to! Are you keeping up the exercise?

26-02-10, 13:16
Hey. Im in councelling every and im exercising yeah. I dont feel I need the crisis team just now I do have that number though.