View Full Version : Just so very worried

20-02-10, 17:52
HI all, i found a lump in my stomach next to my hip a few days ago its about 1cm big but it does move feels almost rubbery. Im soooo worried its cancer i cant stop touching it & im 14 weeks pregannt & so scared i wont see my baby. I can feel it when i lie down but more when i stand up as my bump has started to grow. It doesnt hurt and if i press it although hard it kind of moves out the way. I have a docs apppointment on Friday but i cant go through this again ( my anxiety started after i found a lump in my boob & had to have a biopsy) im just so so scared. It doesnt feel deep it feels like its just under the surface :( x

20-02-10, 18:03
aww hunni take some nice deep breaths and try not to worry ,u will be fine hunni im sure as ur pregnent ur i nsides r gna b all squished togther and ur ribs speratre n stuff so it could be anythnk but if its a lump it wudnt move surely so jus cpould be part of ur body like a rib or cartilage or sumit !!try and stay calm for the baby ur carrying i knw its hard im a mother 2 three boys had the youngest 3wks ago and im at high anxiety level myself with lots of worries do u ave msn so we could chat? im always on there and if u do might help distract u for a lil while so u can stay calm ,also if ur really worried why dnt u make an appoiment for monday instead of friday to see ur doctor i wud cudnt wait till friday wud make me sicker with worry.anyway let me knw if u ave msn and ill add u lots of love c,xxx

20-02-10, 18:22
If it feels mobile, it's not cancer. Cancer is rooted and won't move when you wiggle it. It's probably a gland - we have them all over our bodies, not just in our necks. Or, maybe it's just a blob of fat that's collected there.

If you're still worried on Friday, then get the doc to take a look. But in the meantime, don't panic. It won't be cancer :)

20-02-10, 18:38
Thanks both CT Chick i dont have MSN :( but am on FB. The lump is always in the same place but moves about a little around it. It feels like a fatty bit. I hate it :( x

22-02-10, 11:33
Hey Tash, I'm back on aropax and feeling normal ish again lol

You can get fatty non cancerous growths all over you body and cysts too :D and they don't hurt either

The Dr will be able to tell by just feeling it, so dont think he/she has missed anything I have one of these things on my back and my dr felt it and said no worries, that was 3 years ago .... sometimes they grow so you get them removed

You will always be around to see your babies until old age honey