View Full Version : wondering about all these symptoms

04-01-06, 20:27
I am still wondering whether i do actually suffer from anxiety because i never get anxious feelings and never have any thoughts etc etc, ok i admit that i worry about my health but that is only because i have had these symptoms over the last 20 months or so before that i never used to worry about my health or think the worst etc.

I have been feeling slightly worse over the last couple of months, these are all the symptoms i get all day everyday and no matter what i do they never go away:-

1.Feeling tired all the time/lack of energy
2.Yawning alot even when i have just got up
3.Feeling lightheaded
4.Feeling spaced out/unreal/feel like i am a zombie living on a different planet.
5.No motivation to do anything
6.Body feels very edgy, restless, keep moving around alot.
7.Feel very faint
8.Aches and pains
9.Feel like i want to go to bed all the time no matter how much sleep i have had, as soon as i get up i feel like i have no slept at all.
10.Feel hot alot of the time
11.My body and face feel like they are going to explode.

Over the last few weeks i keep thinking that i am dying or going to collapse or die anyday now.

But the thing is i am only 23 what are the chances of me just dropping dead? and what are the chances that i have something life threatening with me?

Like i have said before no-one including doctors have ever told me i have anxiety, i do admit since i have become ill i may be quite worried about my health but if i didnt feel this way all the time i would not think like this.

Ok i am on anti-depressants and over a year and a half ago when i had some blood tests and ecg, urine tests and stool samples done nothing was found.

My wife even says she doesn't think i suffer from anxiety because i dont feel anxious i dont get panicky or avoid anything or have anxious feelings or thoughts i just have these symptoms constantly and there is never any relief from them, that is why lately i am thinking i my collapse and die anytime now or maybe there is something very seriously wrong with me.

I have tried relaxation, exercise, eating differently etc but nothing gives me relief or makes me feel better.

What do you lot on here think?

I hope everything on here had a great xmas and new year :)

04-01-06, 20:37

Starting back nearly 3 years ago now, i started with dizzyness etc etc i know have everything on your list on a daily basis.
At that time i didnt think it was anxiety, was convinced it was a brain tumour etc etc.
Had MRI's x-rays blood tests, ecg's etc etc....ALL CLEAR.

Th ething is, we dont necessarily recognise we are anxious etc untill its gone too far.

Looking back now, i think me moving in with my fiance and out of my parents was a big trigger - it wanst that i didnt wanna do it, but i dont think menatlly i was fully ready for the full responsibility etc.and it bought out the dizzyness and so on.

Im only now accepting that it is anxiety - i thought i had the symptoms first, so that made me anxious etc. But youve said yourself...youve had tests and they were fine - you wont get rid of the feelings etc just like that. Theu didnt appear overnight and they wont go that way either.

First you need to accept what it is. I dont think your there yet.

CBT will help.

Talk to your doc about all your concerns etc and get a referal and then it is a positive step towards getting rid of the feelings you are having - we all suffer with some all or even more on a daily basis...your not alone, but until you accept it, then you will only make yourself worse.

Look back and see when this all started, was there anything which couldve trigered it etc.

Sorry if ive rambled, its just i know, and im sure a lot of others will know, how you feel.

Tatty B xx

04-01-06, 20:46
hi andrew sorry to hear you feel so bad .i have suffered anxiety for about 10 years now but the last 3 years i would have said i was clear of the panicky feelings .i found i was coping again but the phisical symptoms you describe never really left me especially the tiredness and faint feeling.the doctor told me even though you are not anxious at the minute our thoughts even the ones we dont realise we have can manifest themself into terrible physical symtoms and the more we worry about them the more they linger on.as you say the chances of you dying or becoming seriously ill at your age is very slim indeed.unfortunatly my anxiety is in full swing again i have good days and bad but you just have to try and divert your mind somewher e else.i no its easier said than done but youll get there in the end.take cre marcia xx

marcia lowe

04-01-06, 20:57
oh Andrew
still not feeling any better i see.
ok here goes, if you are worrying about your health then you ARE anxious, it works like this... we have something or some event which happens to make us anxious, even if we dont realise it at time, this produces physical symptoms... the cause of our anxiety may then become resolved but we are left with the physical symptoms which we then focus on which then spiral out of control and hey presto a health anxiety is born (that how mine came about), and before you kno wit you are on the worry , symptom, worry symptom cycle. You are right in saying that it is highly unlikely that you will collapse and die at your young age, and as for noone ever having told you that it was anxiety, just exactly what have they been telling you, people do not suffer symptoms like yours for a long time without any one condition making its self known, you are suffering from anxiety without a doubt and you def need some cbt to help you through this, take this from someone who knows, you have to get yourself sorted out and get your young life back, please take advice that the good people here are giving you.
take care

I just want my life back

04-01-06, 20:58
Hi Andrew and welcome back,

I first got my anxiety just over two years ago and it just started one night with pains in my stomach - I was no more anxious in my own mind that I was before. So even though I had a history of panics attacks on and off, the full blown anxiety took me by surprise a bit.

Like you, I had the symptoms just go on and on - there never seemed an end to it, although I did have good periods every so often.

It took me about a year to get professional help worth talking about and slowly I began to accept and understand my anxiety. But even so I still had bouts of health anxiety which were the worse.

Two years on, I cannot shrug off the tiredness, but my therapist says that will go too. It just takes too damned long!

The symptoms you record are those of anxiety and you have had various tests done. The fact that you are ill too maybe only compounds the issue to make your recovery more difficult.

But you will get there. You need that CBT and the belief.

Take care mate,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

04-01-06, 21:12
I cannot seem to sit still for very long which is something recent and didnt happen much before what is causing this? i seem to be quite restless and it is annoying me, feel so exhuasted and faint all the time and lately i am getting very unhappy as i hate feeling like this all the time and wonder if i am going to suddenly die or that i have something serious.

04-01-06, 21:16
Youve said it yourslef...you worrying its somthing serious...this is anxiety! It will then make you feel worse.

You need to be positive about it and get the CBT you need otherwise its not gonna go away.

Anxiety isnt a clear cut thing...is soo complicated and can cause so many sympoms its unreal, im still here after 3 years of worrying i had a brain tumour because of all the symptoms....would i seriously still be where i am if it was somthing serious?

We can only reassure you...you need to accept and vbelive it yourslef.

Youve had test and they were fine.

You are only experinecing what we all do on here...its not nice i know, but it wont get easier if you dont accept its anxiety and get help for it.

Tatty B xx

04-01-06, 21:32
Hi Andrew.

I can realte to nearly everything on your list :) I know how miserable it is to feel like that ll of the time.

At the moment I am anxious and I know it because of my thoughts but even when I don't think that I am suffering particularly I still get the physical symptoms.

Whether you realise it or not - worrying about your health and each symptom is bad enough to keep them going.

If it has been a long time since seeing your GP then I would go back for a check-up and explain to him that you are still feeling this way - he may be able to refer you to some sort of therapy.

I hope you feel better soon - you are not alone though :)

Annie x

04-01-06, 22:33
How can i stop mybody being so restless and keep moving around and not sitting still for long etc? as this is really really annoying me recently, thanks.

04-01-06, 23:08
do you have any relaxation tapes? if you are too restless for that, maybe you have an excess of adrenaline going round you in which case you should do some regular exercise

maybe you could go jogging every night. That may take away your restlessness and also make you sleep better.

just a thought.


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

05-01-06, 00:29
Hi there,

I am not sure that a diagnosis is always that important, whereas the way you manage or deal with your symptoms is.

Having said that, it does sometimes help. I have had loads of suggested diagnoses from anxiety, stress, panic attacks, panic disorder, depression, post natal depression, social phobia, agoraphobia and my most recent one was chronic fatigue syndrome.

There is a lot of overlap and I would probably agree to fitting into every category at some point or other except the chronic fatigue syndrome one. You feel extremely lethargic with this tiring quickly, and do have muscle aches and pains. It is also known as ME.

It was just a thought, maybe worth looking into a bit more. It sounds like you have anxiety to me though, just from the 'worries' that you have.

I usually charge aroung the house doing three jobs at once when I cannot sit still. It is amazing how much housework I can get through. It make up for the days when I can hardly move from the sofa though!!

Take care and I hope that you feel better soon.

05-01-06, 12:35
Forgot to mention other symptoms that i get are:-

1.Feeling sick alot of the time
2.Stomach aches and pains

Some of you mention on your posts that i am feeling anxious and that this causes my symptoms but that is not true, i get these symptoms all the time constantly throughout everyday only then do i start thinking something bad is wrong and worrying about my health, if i did not keep getting all these symptoms everyday then i would have nothing to worry about.

05-01-06, 13:04
Andrew...read back on my first reply - you will see that i got the symptoms etc first without realiseing it is anxiety.

Your just going over the same ground, take on board what we said and see you doc asap and ask for a CBT referal.

If you werent worried, you wouldnt be on this site posting about it...you obvilously signed up to this s ite for a reason....so be proactive and get yourself the help you need.

You dont seem to be doing anything to help yourself.

Tatty B xx

05-01-06, 15:33
hi andrew i no u cant understand what these symptoms are and thet are obviously worrying you but sometimes anxiety just shows as phyical symptoms beleive me ive been ther many times.the restlesness you say is about being agitated and your adreniline going through your body .i no what your saying if you did not have the symptoms then you wouldnt be anxious but then thats true of all sufferers .its the symptoms making us anxious.i hope this helps .kind regards marcia xx

marcia lowe

05-01-06, 16:59
I am also feeling like hyper, i cant sit still for long and i keep wanting to get up all the time and like walk around, i feel very restless and i cannot sit and relax properly and inside i feel terrible and i dont know what to do.

If it is down to adrenaline how do i get rid of it and stop feeling like this?

05-01-06, 17:31
By accepting it, distracting yourself and seeking help from your doc with regards CBT.

Tatty B xx

05-01-06, 19:01
It's hard to describe, i feel like i am going mad or something, my body feels very edgy, and it feels like angry or something inside it feels like it wants to get out, i have tried distracting myself all day with pc games that i like playing etc but nothing has worked and its really frustrating me, i know everyday i feel like crap but the last few days i feel awful, i have never been so restless before.

05-01-06, 19:11
you are talking but not listening, listen to what people are saying,it is possible for anxiety to make us feel this bad, everyone is telling you that,yet you still seem to think that you are different from everyone else,please believe me, you are not, you need to ask for cbt and start tto get yourself sorted out before you do end up sick

I just want my life back

05-01-06, 19:20
Once again, your not taking on board what people are telling you.

OK...You thnk its somthing bad - Do somthing about and see your doctor.

We all know that anxiety makes you feel how you do, but we can only tell you so many times.

What else are we supposed to do? Its frustrating as we are trying to help but your just not taking on board what we say.

You NEED to see your doctor about it - 1. if its anxiet to get help and 2. if you are so sure it is somthing else, shouldnt you see a doc about it insteda of posting about it here?

Im sorry if i sound rude or hard, but it is fristrating for us who are trying to help you but dosnt seem to get anywhere.

Tatty B xx

05-01-06, 19:52
Hi Andrew

My heart goes out to you hun, you are finding it soooo hard to accept that this is anxiety. My daughter suffered anxiety from the age of 3 she is now 12 and doing very well. I have looked on your list and can tick a lot of the symptoms and say that she has had the same. I have had a lot of your symptoms too. I also know that this may not make you feel any better because Mr anxiety has found something you fear, and that is your health.

You pick up on any movement, pain or feeling and think the worse. Knowing and understanding that anxiety can cause all these symptoms is soooooo hard to do because Mrs anxiety is always there telling you her negative’s, telling you that it is not anxiety it is something else.

Please Andrew read through your replies, you have had a lot of good advice.
I know you are finding it sooooo hard right now but if you take the advice you will move on. .

You have within you right now the most powerful tool to help you move on, and that is your mind. Accept that your symptoms are anxiety and believe it. This will help you move on.

Thinking of you and wishing you well.



05-01-06, 21:52
what i would like to know is why do i feel so edgy, restless, and cannot sit still and relax or sit down for more than 10 minutes? etc etc.

I feel like im going mad, what is causing these symptoms and how can i reduce or get rid of the edgyness, restlessness etc? i've tried distracting myself and everything but i still feel the same.

The feeling edgy and being very restless and stuff is bothering me the most right now i need some relief somehow.

14-01-06, 12:24
andrew i am new to this site but if you read a book by dr claire weekes abouy your nerves you will c these lovely people have hit the nail on the head. to all you how to i stop feeling like my panic is gonna kill me

16-01-06, 13:21
Feeling terrible the last 3 or 4 days, feel like i am really tense inside, especially in my stomach area, feel like my body is going to explode or any minute now i am going to go mad, i feel so edgy and restless as well, my face feels really tense as well especially around the cheekbone area and feeling lightheaded as well what is causing all these symptoms.

16-01-06, 13:30
The answer to your question 'what is causeing all these symptoms?' is...


Tatty B xx

16-01-06, 17:56
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">The answer to your question 'what is causeing all these symptoms?' is...


Tatty B xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by tattybear - 16 January 2006 : 13:30:34</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks for your post tattybear, but sometimes i think that if it was anxiety then i would be able to calm it down or get rid of it but i just cannot get rid of it.

16-01-06, 18:58
The reason you are not calming down/getting rid of it is because you first need to accept it IS anxiety, and look at ways of coping with it and moving forward,

CBT would help


Tatty B xx

16-01-06, 19:02
By changing your way of thinking, accepting that this is anxiety and being positive you will be able to overcome all these feelings.

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

16-01-06, 19:27
Hi Andrew, it is classic anxiety you have and i feel for you, and one thing you need to do is find something positive to do, You say you spend a lot of times on video games, how about going for a nice long walk instead, or relaxation videos or similar. Not sure large amounts of PC and video games help.
We would all like to have got rid of this yesterday but unfortunately it doesnt happen that quick.
Take Care. xx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

16-01-06, 19:38
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">By changing your way of thinking, accepting that this is anxiety and being positive you will be able to overcome all these feelings.

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

<div align="right">Originally posted by trac67 - 16 January 2006 : 19:02:23</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I do sometimes try and accept it is anxiety etc but it doesnt ease my symptoms at all.

16-01-06, 19:41
Thing is even when i come on here just to look at posts and replies etc, i am feeling like edgy and restless, and i have a funny feeling all throughout my body, but i find it hard just to sit here for even 10 or 20 minutes, my body seems to just want to make me keep moving, i never used to have feelings like this, its only recently this has started.

I know the saying "an anxious mind cannot exsist in a relaxed body" but i can never get my body to relax unfortunately.

17-01-06, 15:41
I am convinced that i am dying or that i have a life-threatening disease or that any day now i am going to just drop dead, i know at my young age i shouldnt be thinking this way but i cannot help it, hopefully i can get it out of my mind and stop thinking these things.

17-01-06, 22:35
Hi Andrew,

I am sorry to read how you have been feeling. Have you made that appointment with your GP yet? You probably couldn't feel much worse right now eh? so, go for it, make the appointment and get some of your 'anxieties' off your chest to him/her. That in itself will hopefully help you to feel a little better as you know that you are getting some help.

I also understand that it is easier said than done, but we can all relate to many of your symptoms, we are experts at being anxious!!

Take care,

18-01-06, 17:58
I have had alot of symptoms over the last 20-21 months but i have never had any of these symptoms that i have been getting for the last week or two where my body feels like it is going to explode any minute, my body feels like really angry and tense inside as well as being very edgy and restless alot of the time it's like i have to keep moving around ahell of alot lately and also i feel abit irritable anything can annoy me, but is this feeling very edgy, irritable, restless and very tense normal for anxiety? it also feels like i am going to collpase and die any minute now, it also feels like i have something bad wrong with me and it feels like i am going to lose it or start going mad anytime soon.

20-01-06, 10:40
The symptoms that are really annoying me and i am worried about is that i feel very faint and lightheaded, and this edgy tense feeling which is hard to describe but feels like someone is pushing hard on my legs, chest, and head etc what is causing this and what can i do to get rid of it?

20-01-06, 11:00
We have alreday answered your questions...read back on the replies you have had! People are trying to help you!

Q1. What is causeing this

Q2. What can I do About it?
A. Take positive pro-active steps, speak to your doctor and ask for a CBT referal ASAP.

Tatty B xx

20-01-06, 11:40
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">We have alreday answered your questions...read back on the replies you have had! People are trying to help you!

Q1. What is causeing this

Q2. What can I do About it?
A. Take positive pro-active steps, speak to your doctor and ask for a CBT referal ASAP.

Tatty B xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by tattybear - 20 January 2006 : 11:00:32</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks for your reply tattybear but i feel like i am going mad, or developing a mental illness like schizophrenia or something like that, or i am about to go mad, or that i have a life threatening disease at 23 years old, or that i am going to collapse and die anyday now.

20-01-06, 11:50
If you were going mad you wouldnt know about it! Your mind is racing over time.

Youare telling us how u feel but not taking on board what we are saying or seeking any help from your doc, so there is little more advice anyone can give u.

No one has the miracle cure - you NEDD to c your doc.

Tatty B xx

20-01-06, 15:08
Can someone post all the physical symptoms anxiety can cause? that would be mose helpful.

Also does anyone get a feeling like someone is pushing both of their hands against your head and your head feels really tense and lightheaded and like it is going to explode? if so how have you got rid of it because i cannot get rid of this feeling.

20-01-06, 15:59
Here you go Andrew ...

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)


20-01-06, 20:53
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Here you go Andrew ...

Health Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=healthanxiety)

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)


<div align="right">Originally posted by nomorepanic - 20 January 2006 : 15:59:31</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks nicola but there must be alot more physical symptoms caused by anxiety then those mentioned in the symptoms list.

Come on people tell me how to get rid of these horrible symptoms, my chest,stomach,head,arms and legs feel very tense and weird and like all those parts of my body are going to explode and i feel very weak and lightheaded too, how can i relieve them like right now??

20-01-06, 21:31

How many more times do you need to ask these questions and why are you looking for more symptoms ?

No one has a miracle cure, it is all down to you at the end of the day and to keep on asking the same thing over and over again is only going to make people annoyed and not want to answer your posts anymore.

Try being positive mate and taking advice that is given.

Trac X

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

20-01-06, 21:41
Thing is i dont understand why these recent symptoms have appeared out of nowhere, despite suffering for nearly 2 years i have only developed these symptoms over the past week or two, i never used to feel really tense, edgy, restless and like im going to explode, today i tried running up and down the garden but that didnt help unfortunately!!

20-01-06, 21:47

During the prolonged course of anxiety, we have many many different symptoms. On Day 26 we have symptoms A, B, C, and D, and a week later symptoms P, Q, R, B and C with a dash of W and X.

They may feel totally different but they have the same root cause, and its that root cause that must be tackled.

That's why we have encouraged you to take up CBT after seeing your GP, as you need to change your mind thoughts away from finding more scary symptoms.

So please Andrew, make an appointment to see your GP and get hold of a copy of some of the excellent text books such as those written by Clare Weekes that explains all this and how people have come through it.

You can come through it too, but not by what you are doing at the moment.

Take care mate,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

20-01-06, 21:48
After many bad experiences with doctors and with me being kicked out of my last doctors for making a complaint against a doctor for a valid reason i am avoiding going to doctors and dont have the trust and faith in them anymore as i feel they dont listen and they dont care all they care about is how long you are in the room.

So i am trying to sort myself out rather than relying on doctors, besides if i went to the doctors demanding some tests to reassure me they wouldnt do them, they would probably say your only 23 your healthy theres nothing wrong with you, but the last week or two has been the hardest since this all started 2 years ago, all these weird symptoms i am getting lately are not going away and i dont know how to get rid of them.

20-01-06, 21:53
I am going to purchase a copy of self help for your nerves by claire weekes maybe it will help i don't know, it's my 24th birthday this weekend and i am feeling terrible and i am going out as well, really dont feel like it though, feeling terrible at the moment.

20-01-06, 23:15
Good for you Andrew.

We can't cure you we can only advise but you do need to listen to that advise and act on it.

Did your wife have the baby by the way?


21-01-06, 00:04
My wife's baby is due in 11 weeks time :) going to be hard work [:P]

21-01-06, 13:19
your wifes baby!!!!!!!

I just want my life back

22-01-06, 19:35
If i was to run up and down the garden for half an hour would i feel any better?

23-01-06, 09:14
andrew buy all of claire weekes bookes on nervous illness. this will set alot of things straight and put your fears and symptoms all on show for what they really are. use it as your self help bible. many do. the first time i read it i cried

good luck out of this maze.
i am still developing symptoms 4 years on


31-01-06, 08:11
I am still not feeling too good lately, same usual things really such as feeling lightheaded, faint, feel tired alot and achy, feel nausea quite alot over the last few days don't know why, still feel like i cannot breath or like i am not breathing at all sort of like a suffocating feeling.
But the major thing over the last few days is insomnia take last night for example i went to bed at 1am and didn't manage to fall asleep until around 4am, woke up again at 6am and could not get back to sleep again so i am up now which is unusual for me, and yesterday night i took 3-4 hours to get to sleep but managed to get 7 hours sleep in the end, what is causing this insomina?

31-01-06, 18:53
Hi Andrew david, sorry you are not feeling too good,7 hours a night sleep is not insomnia, trust me I have sleeping problems which have gone on for months and if I got 7hours I would think all my birthdays had arrived at once.
Sleep is erratic for you at the moment but not insomnia. Perhaps it is your body preparing you for night time feeds when the baby arrives??/
Take care.xxxxxxxxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

02-02-06, 17:46
The most horrible worrying symptoms that i am getting are that i feel like someone is strangling me, i feel like i am choking, i also feel like i am not breathing well at all and also feel like i am suffocating.

When i ask my wife if i am out of breath she says no you look normal.

These symptoms are weird and i really wish i could get rid of them.

02-02-06, 17:52
hi andrew the choking feeling is common in anxiety i get it too and it bad today i think it is the muscles in that area becoming very tight.thats the being strangled feeling.i hav read a few of your posts and you suffer the same fears i do .its not nice is it .i would just love my life bac.good luck with the baby.a new born can turn your life upside down.i no i hav twins at 2 and that was very very hard.hope this helps take care marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx