View Full Version : Has any one every had HIVES?

20-02-10, 19:46
ive been getting really itchie lumps for a few weeks finally went doctors yesterday and she said its a allergic reaction and gave me tablets for it.... Im in a complete panic thinking im ganna end up in hospital with a serious reaction!! what if they never go or they get worse! Has any one else had them? She didnt say it was hive but looking up on google they look like that!

20-02-10, 20:36
i get small hives around my mouth - they are red raised itchy bumps - i've not pinpointed a cause as yet - but i don't get them that often.

Shouldn't think you have anything to worry about - they are very common and anti histamines are usually good at stopping the itch.

Take Care

20-02-10, 20:47
My daughter has really bad hives, our doctor said they are a reaction to something but trying to find out just what that something is is very hard! Her worst bout was eight months ago and we had to take her to the out of hours surgery at four in the morning, she was litterally covered in huge red itchy bumps. They are not life threatening or warrent a hospital stay, we were told but it is frightening so I can sympathise with you. We did however find out it was penicilin ear drops that caused the worst bout. She comes out if she has strawberries but sometimes they just appear and stay for a few hours and just as quickly disappear!
My daughter doesnt panic...she leaves that up to me!!! She just takes it in her stride and I have learnt that my mum suffered teribly and so did my brother when he was younger...perhaps there's a family connection for you too?
Also a really cold damp flannel placed on the hives really helps...the trouble is they go down and pop up somewhere else!
Take care.

20-02-10, 21:37
Hi, I had hives about 5 months ago. Id never had them before and they were all over my body and getting worse by the day. I finally realized that I was having berries in my smoothie ( trying to be healthy ) so I stopped and after about 2-3 weeks they finally went away. Adelle :)

21-02-10, 09:06
Thanks every one! woke up this morning an my lips have swollen up went a& e and they gave me tablets to takes! Im so worried about taking them tho because they make u sleepy or drowsiness :-( this is making my anxiety go sky high

21-02-10, 12:59
Hi leeann

I woke up absolutely covered from head to toe in hives a couple of weeks ago. I have had them before and knew that they weren't something to get worried about - they will go up and down and move around your body and can last for like up to 6 weeks. They are bizarre things. Mine came out as a result of a stinker of a cold I had the week before - it doesn't have to be an allergy that sets them off. It is really frightening and they look awful, but they are not something to worry about. They are soooo common and you can get them for so many bizarre reasons!

I took my regular antihistamines (I have quite a few allergies lol) which made them go down and bought some anti-itch cream which definately helped. I only went down to the docs when my hands started to swell up a few days later, and she said not to be worried and just gave me some stronger antihistamines - fexofenadine. What have they given you? I was initially nervous about taking them as she said they may make me drowsy, but I remembered all antihistamines do unless you buy the anti-drowsy ones. They were absolutely fine, no different from my regular ones. Drowsiness is an extremely common side effect of all antihistamines, whether you buy them from tesco or get them from your GP, so please don't think they are really bad. It won't knock you out or anything (tho you may fancy a cheeky nap on the sofa!) Rather you take them and they help your hives than you be swollen up!

Rachel W
22-02-10, 01:28
If it is an allergy, and you woke up with swollen lips, have you changed your pillow or anything? I once stayed in a holiday home when I was a teenager and woke up with hives that were huge and would appear and disappear, literally as Mum was walking from the house to the local doctors. I never figured out what it was, but I had been sleeping in a strange bed, but also eating the strawberries from the garden (never been allergic since though so doubt it was that even though the doctor thought so).

It can be something really simple. I also had them once before after contact with foam with dog hairs on it (again, not allergic to either of these normally).

As mentioned, many people get them and you will be fine. If you were going to have a serious reaction to the allergy then you would have already had it. The doctor would have told you if they had been concerned.

Hope that it goes away soon....
