View Full Version : What am I supposed to do now?!

20-02-10, 22:30
Went to see my CBT therapist yesterday and I had previously written a whole load of questions down for her to discuss with me. I thought it would be helpful to see everything that was frightening me and stopping me from recovering down on paper and hopefully see some light at the end of it. But no she said she wasn't going to give me the reassurance I wanted as apparently this just keeps feeding the anxiety cycle. I am so devasted because I need these questions answered, there were three pages worth of questions and I just feel stuck and I've been stuck for the past 16 months. I know she is trying to help me but I just don't think I can get better without the reassurance. She said she wouldn't refer me to get a brain scan either so I'm never going to find out whether I have something wrong with my brain and will always always be questioning, never going to feel better!!!!


21-02-10, 00:18

i fully understand where you are coming from we all want reassurance (i certainly do :blush:) but unfortunately that often leads to more questions. Eventually the anxiety will diminish it cant last forever.:yahoo:

all the best with your therapy - tough love is hard but im sure in the long run it will help you to recover more fully.

take care :yesyes:

21-02-10, 00:25
you've got to put some trust in therapists, otherwise they can't do anything for you.
however if you give it a chance and it still doesn't work for you, try something else.
good luck! xx

21-02-10, 00:58
Hi Carla,

Don't panic! I'll pm you tomorrow.

Lisa x

26-02-10, 17:47
did you explain to your therapist that it was going to worry you not having any response? i do agree that it feeds the anxiety. Take for example i went to the docs today regarding a lump, he gave me the reassurance that it was a fat deposit, walked away feeling good. Then all afternoon been worrying about my eye issues again. It does seem to end! xx

26-02-10, 18:21
I can see the point in this, as we all need to be able to give ourselves reassurance. Those with HA are always looking for answers or reassurance, but unfortunately even if a doctor tells you something 10 minutes later you can be back to worrying again. I think it is empowering to learn how to 'reassure yourself', and a skill that - even though painful to have to learn now - will stand you in good stead in the future.

26-02-10, 18:30
hi iv had c b t and the whole idea is that u work it out for ur self if she gave you reassurance she would not be doing her job stick with it it does work and you will better for it by the end of the course you should feel a lot better