View Full Version : im scared of getting older

20-02-10, 23:29
i have a real fear of it, i know it happens to everyone, but i cannot see myself at 30yrs, 40yrs or more, i look at older people and the thought of getting older just scares me soo much

ally b
20-02-10, 23:36
:hugs: 2 start with.

As soon as i turned 25, i found myself worrying about my looks. I used 2 sit for hours looking in the mirror when i went the toilet, or a compact mirror when my parner was at work.24/7 mirror,at every single part ov my face.I was so scared of getting old.

Is it your looks, or the fear of old age?

20-02-10, 23:39
Well we all have to face it I am afraid and it is how you face it that matters.

I feel like I am old before my time and yet my mum is doing fab at 70 and does way more than I ever do!

It is your attitude that makes the difference I think

21-02-10, 03:47
I feel that way sometimes but remember a saying on the wall in the doctors office one time..it said ' don't be so quick to complain about getting old ,think about those that never had the privilege"

21-02-10, 14:42
So am I, and I'm 63!! The alternative seems even less attractive though! Seriously, it isn't so bad actually... as long as you look after yourself and keep as fit and active as possible.

21-02-10, 14:47

As Nicola has stated, it is your attitude at the time that counts.

I am 46 years old and honestly look and feel better than I did when I was a 30 year old.

Don't really drink much now, exercise a lot more than I used to, eat a balanced diet and feel great.

It's a case of mind over matter.

21-02-10, 14:54
I am 42, when I am 46 I am going to follow Utility's advice cause it's taking it's toll lol

21-02-10, 15:11
omg i could have wrote this, im 30 and i feel really old, im so scared of being older and i look in the mirror all the time checking for lines and wrinkles. Just dont seem to be able to shake it, i know i cant do anything about it, it just really really depresses me :-(

21-02-10, 15:39
You cant avoid the inevitable ...all you can do is look after yourself and make the most of what you have ...Worrying and letting it get to you will only put years on you ..A happy face no matter how old is more beautiful ,than one that looks sad and miserable .With age comes many benefits ,wisdom and understanding .Inside you feel like you did when you were young ,Its just the outer layer that changes .Nothing stays the same for ever so embrace every moment life gives you.You never know how much longer it will last .Dont waste today worrying about tommorow ,Tommorow will take care of itself ..Sue :D

21-02-10, 16:37
This is a poem about getting older ,.its always been a favourite of mine since my Mum read it to me ,when she was 60 .

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat ,that doesnt go ,and doesnt suit me
And I shall spend my pension on brandy ,and summer gloves
And satin sandals ,and say there is no money for butter !
I shall sit down on the pavement when im tired
And gobble up samples in shops ,and press alarm bells
And run my stick along railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
And pick flowers from other people gardens
And learn how to spit :blush:

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
And eat three pounds of sausages in one go
Or only bread and pickle for a week
And hoard pens and pencils and beermats in boxes

But now we must have clothes to keep us dry
And pay our rent ,and not swear in the street
And set a good example for the children
We must have friends for dinner and read the papers

But maybe i should practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and suprised
When suddenly im old and start to wear purple .

Jenny Joseph

Sue :D

21-02-10, 16:49
Suzy-sue, excellent! I am 61 and apart from my stupid mind playing stupid tricks with my HA, I am great! I absolutely love my life, I have a great job with fantastic work colleagues who totally get me and my 'problem' and I also have 2 sons who are brilliant with me. I don't look or feel my age, in fact no one ever believes me, I think this is all to do with my outlook on life, I love it, much better than than the alternative :-) Please don't worry about getting old, there are parts of if that are wonderful, as Suzy-sue says in the poem, you can get away with more cos you don't give a damn ....:-)

Jannie x x

21-02-10, 17:38
Hi there im in my 40s and look and feel much better than I did when I was in my 20s, it really hasnt bothered me getting older im settled have children, a home and husband who is 7 years younger than me.. i still get hit on when im out lol by younger men too. I do have friends who hate being this age but its never really bothered me. If I could have one wish in my life it would be to not have HA, I wouldnt wish to be younger and go through all that again. Being older is ok.. Please dont worry. its silly to worry over getting older, you will be fine believe me.