View Full Version : New

21-02-10, 03:39
Hi, I am new. I am a 45 yr. female, mother of a 2 year old and always a worrier about life, my health, but as I face middle age I am so aware of every death, every ailment I hear about, and I wonder how I can make sure that I am not "next". I get regular check -ups. Bi-annual OB, Dermo, and breast checks. My great results only give me comfort for an hour or so, until I consider all the conditions at that were not looked for (lung cancer, bone cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer, aneurysm, pancreatic cancer). Those secret killers that literally keep me awake all night. I think I might benefit from CBT, but don't have the time to figure out who is a decent doctor that is nearby AND accepts insurance. I am in midtown NYC. I appreciate any insight this forum might be able to offer. Thanks

21-02-10, 03:43
Hi and welcome to the site.
I'm sure you will find lots of useful information and a lot of supportive new friends here.

21-02-10, 03:45
Hi Atticus

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

21-02-10, 03:46
Thanks to both administrator's, I am hopeful that this will be a helpful source for me.

21-02-10, 05:28
Hi Atticus,

Welcome to the site...Did you get your name from To Kill A Mockingbird- by any chance?

I can empathize with how you feel. I am going through a terrible rough patch myself right now. The constant *what ifs*. It's all consuming isn't it? I've had so many off the wall worries if I said them aloud they would commit me!!

21-02-10, 15:14
Indeed, Atticus has ben my alter ego since I read the book as a teen. I only wish I was as well adjusted as he. I am freaked out about what I believe is my most recent
thing", but while I seek out actual CBT (books are not effective), I am also hoping to benefit and learn from the support these forums create. One thing they might do, is serve to distract me from the diagnosis of whatever my condition of the day is, and instead focus on the anxiety condition. While doing that, I hope to gain strength from the others on the forum and maybe learn about how they surmounted their own issues. Good luck to us all.