View Full Version : Start of Lung Cancer ?

21-02-10, 11:34
I am feeling really scared at the moment.......ive just started having a bit of a tickly cough nothing tht bad ......but when i cough i noticed pin prick specs of blood through my spit gross i know. So now im constantly checking what is coming up and it all has this in it.
I did smoke when i was younger im now 38 ( a social smoker ...more when i was in smokers company or having a drink) but not now the health anxiety wouldnt allow it but im sure this could be the start of lung cancer. I'm really worried to the point of not being able to function as i know you dont have a good survival rate with this can anyone help please x

21-02-10, 14:54
hi please dont worry too much
when you cough you can cause small blood vessels in your throat to break which causes small streaks of blood in the spit.

It has happend to me too and i freaked but the doctor explained it too me
If it keeps happening check with doctor but it is highly unlikely to be anything serious at all.

21-02-10, 14:57
hi my precious dad died of lung cancer at 54 and was nothing like you honestly im not going to tell you the symptoms as if your like me you will have them all by tonight but that symptom wasnt his .

21-02-10, 18:31
Thanks guys ....just when i start to think im getting a handle on this anxiety something happens and it comes back to haunt me ......i'll keep a check on it and hopefully it will go away sooner rather than later ,and bronte im so sorry you lost your dad x