View Full Version : does anything aleviate the "tiredness" brought on by your depression

21-02-10, 14:44
i have a double whammy - absolutely shattered by depression and im 11 weeks pg
some days i dont move from under my duvet off the sofa but find i am too tired to even be bothered to make a cup of tea or answer the phone
i feel physically and mentally shattered and just dont know how im going to cope when i go back to work after my anual leave
was thinking of taking baraca tabs but font know if they will help, or even if i can take them due to being pregnant

21-02-10, 16:50
I'v not really heard much about Baraca tablets so I arent really sure how they would help.
I do find that when I sit about all day it makes me more tired and lethargic, its only when I really push myself to get motivated do I start to come round. This sounds so easy and straight forward in black and white doesnt it?? Its not the easiest thing to do when you are crippled by anxiey and depression but sometimes I think that forcing ourselves to do something is the only way forward. Luckily for me, when I was pregnant with my son my anxiety was dormant and I was full of beans, never felt better in my life to be honest. Because of this i had more of an inclination to do things and because I kept going I sailed through it. My friend on the other was not so fortunate, she was depressed and for her it was a struggle. This all changed after her 12 week scan though, it sort of gave her some drive when she saw her healthy baby on the screen and it motivitated her throughout the remainder of her pregnancy. The nicer weather (believe it or not!) is just round the corner so a bit of sun might be what you are missing!!
Have you got a good support network??
Have you spoke to your GP or midwife?? maybe theres something they can do to help you. They may be able to put you in contact with a support group.
I hope you start to feel better soon as I am sure inside you are bursting with excitement about the impending birth of your little one, you just need a bit of help in bringing this to the surface so that you can feel happy on the outside too.
Good luck honey, i am rooting for you xx

22-02-10, 10:37
thank you for taking the time to reply
i know i have to try and motivate myself, its just so hard at the moment
have no choice today, back to work this afternoon - absolutely dreading it
thanks again

22-02-10, 15:47
Dear Mummy I'm sorry that you are feeling so low and lacking in energy. I think that the best thing for you to do is to conserve the energy that you do have. I would delegate/ hire someone else to do the household chores like housework and ironing. Have your shopping delivered. If you have older children get them to help around the house. if you need to go to bed early go to bed early and try to rest as much as you need. A lot of the exhaustion that you are feeling should disappear around the twelve to fourteen week mark in your pregnancy. Do not feel guilty if you don't go to social appointments or arrange to eat simply. I hope things improve for you.