View Full Version : Tummy in knots and teary :(

21-02-10, 17:02
I've only just joined and this is my second ever post. I'm just feeling so low at the moment. My stomach is constantly in knots, and it takes the littlest thing for my heart to start racing and panic to come over me in waves :(
I just feel so alone and don't know what to do. I cannot eat or sleep, and when I do try to nap, I wake up in a complete panic so cannot do that anymore.

Does anyone else on here feel the same? So low right now


magpie girl
21-02-10, 18:08
hi rosalind,sorry to hear your feeling so low at the moment.You are not alone honey most people on this site have felt exactly like you do at the moment,at some point in time.Have you read the advice and symptoms in the left hand coloum i found this very helpfull,also i found talking to others who are going through the same thing a kind of relief . I hope you feel better soon xxxx

21-02-10, 19:39
Hi, i felt exactly the same as you in November and am now fully recovered, i am not saying that to brag i am just saying it so you know there's nothing "lifelong" your anxiety!!

Firstly, go and see your doc and explain what is happening, secondly, read everything you can by Claire Weekes!

21-02-10, 19:45
Hello Rosalind,
I really feel for you - it's absolutely horrible when you feel like this. I think lots of us have felt like you do and you can't see any light at the end of the tunnel- but there is!! You are obviously very sensitized at the moment and your nerves are at a pitch, but if you can try not to be afraid of this and accept that it's anxiety symptoms then this will take the strain off you a bit. Please go to your gp and explain how you feel. Sometimes we need a wee crutch to help us when we feel so low. Also, as Idstain said, I'd buy a Claire Weekes book and take her advice and you will be on the way to understanding why you feel like you do. You'll also get lots of advice and support on here and maybe you could use the chatroom to speak to people who will help you through this? You are not alone and you will get through this. Don't despair:hugs:
Myra x

21-02-10, 21:54
Hi everyone.

I'd just like to say how grateful I am for all your responses. I cannot tell you how much help just knowing others are there to listen has been.

I will definitely look up Claire Weekes,thankyou all so much


21-02-10, 22:02
Hi Rosalind.
I really do feel for you as I been there, as I'm sure many others have on this site. Things do get easier though. The help and advice on her is amazing. Feel free to send private message if ever you feel like it, I'd be glad to offer support where I can.
Hope you feel better inyourself very soon xxxx

22-02-10, 15:08
thank u so much idstain! i just listened to a sample from her audiobook on amazon and now i just must buy her cd. She just described my current and past anxiety problems so perfectly within minutes. I've talked with so many stupid doctors who don't understand anxiety, i will for sure give this a real chance.