View Full Version : Fed up

21-02-10, 18:01
Anyone got a cure for depression without going to the doctors? I'm suffering so bad with stress/depression.
Had alot go on last 12 months, i have posted a couple of times about it but i'm at my wits end. I'm losing my husband because i'm so miserable all the time. Kids hardly talk to me coz i just snap. Don't really want to go on tablets.
Any ideas?

21-02-10, 18:04
Hiya,i know you dont want to go to the doctors but it really cud help if you told them how you was feeling.I never wanted to go with my depression but i did and so glad i did,im on antidepressants and im doing so well!

21-02-10, 18:07
I'm glad you're doing well hun, I just wanted to try a different route i guess. I've been on them before and i know they help so much but i hate the first few weeks walking around like a zombie etc etc xx

22-02-10, 22:25
Hi Tracy i am sorry you are feeling so unwell :(

were the last ADs you took SSRIs? i think all in all are pretty ok for side effects and they typically wear off after a few weeks anyway.

Have you tried meditation? i made a thread about it recently. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=68784&highlight=meditation

I really cant recommend it enough, I had a "breakdown" (GAD + panic) in november and am fully recovered now because of meditation. (actually feel alot better than i did before i got ill)

they run 8 week courses of one session per week of midfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT) all over the UK.

this guardian article explains a bit about it http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/jan/05/religion-buddhism

this book seems to be very helpful also http://www.amazon.co.uk/Mindful-Way-Through-Depression-Unhappiness/dp/1593851286/ref=pd_sim_b_1

i hope you get better soon!