View Full Version : help please!!!!!!

21-02-10, 18:12
hi everyone,been on cit now for 6 months,starting from 10 up to 40.been on 40 over 3 months now,after 2 months on 40 started to feel good,hardly anxious,and ocd i could handle,but the last week has been a nightmare!,especially last couple of days,they have been like i have turned the clock back 6mths man!!,everything seems to be heightened,the ocd,anxiety,murder man!!.has anybody any experience with this?,im due to start a new job in april and im terrified this anxiety is gonna screw it up for me,any advice would be very helpful ta.

"As he faced the sun,
He cast no shadow"
Noel Gallagher:):)

21-02-10, 18:29
Hi Celtic ,sorry to hear that you are having a bad time .It sometimes does happen im afraid .If you ve been extra stressed or been perhaps anxious about your new job ,this could explain things .If it doesnt improve i a few days I would go and see your Dr ..Maybe you r dose needs adjusting a a wee bit .60MG is the highest perscribed dose .Maybe another 10mg will put you straight .Hopefully you are just having a bit of a Blip ...the more you react to it the longer it will last ..Wont do any harm to see the Dr .tho /Hope you feel better soon ..Sue

21-02-10, 19:01
Hi Celtic fella

It might just be a bad few days, or as Suzy says a bit of apprehension about the new job.

April is 6 weeks away so you have plenty of time to chat to the GP if the ole meds need adjusting.

Let us know how you get on.

Hail Hail


22-02-10, 14:30
the best advice i have been given...take it one day at a time. Dont think about April, thats too far away to get your head around.

22-02-10, 16:16
Hi Celtic, yes try and see your GP, in my experience it is best to take one day at a time but that can be easier said than done. Sometimes subcontiously you are thinking ahead and it can cause anxiety to rear its ugly head!!! If you increase your meds slightly now then you will feel the benefit by then. Hope you feel better soon. JO.