View Full Version : CBT

21-02-10, 18:14

i will be starting CBT this week what is evryones experiences of it good/bad?

im kind of unsure if will help because i have real symptoms caused by an enlarged thyroid gland!

21-02-10, 19:06

i had CBT some moths back when my HA was really bad and i found it very useful
in fact i have not had HA for months now and have been able to come off my meds.

To be honest i think just being able to talk to someone that doesnt judge you or even know you helps to get out some unwanted thoughts

Good luck


21-02-10, 19:07
hi im quite an old hand at cbt it does actually depends on the therapist but yes it helped me my health anxiety only returned because of the death of my precious mum im seeing one at the moment but i cant make my mind up weather shes having any effect yet i think i fell out with her because she told me to stop going on this website so she spoiled herself that moment lol you say you have an enlarged thyroid gland i have a goiter on mine dont no if there the same or not

21-02-10, 19:28
yeah a goiter is the same as what i have do u get any discomfort like me?

21-02-10, 19:32
when i first got it yes i did but not much but i sometimes feel like its pressing on my windpipe ive had mine about 23 years