View Full Version : Please Help Which is Better?

21-02-10, 18:54
Which book is better -- Hope and Help for Your Nerves OR Peace from Nervous Suffering? Both are by Claire Weekes.

I just ordered Claire Weekes' book, Agoraphobia. It helped me MANY years ago when I was agoraphobic. I'm slipping back into it and no longer have the book, so I'm hoping it gets here fast.

Any advice would be appreciated.

21-02-10, 19:00
i dont know but if you type in claire weekes in search boxpeople wo have read it will be there hope this helps

21-02-10, 19:36
although hope and help for your nerves is the classic anxiety book i'd say peace from nervous suffering is better for your situation. I believe it was written later on in her career and has some little nuances (such as first fear and second fear) which arent in hope and help. The whole book is alot more centered around agoraphobia also.

Get essential help for your nerves if you can, this is literally two books in one. Peace from nervous suffering and More help for your nerves.

21-02-10, 19:48
i can recommend a book called "Life is not just a panic" its a book full of stories about people who have beat agoraphobia and it really inspires and gives hope.

Best of luck

marc x

21-02-10, 19:52
Thanks so much for the replies! I have been free of agoraphobia for so long, but since I got sick in October of last year (still no answers), I don't want to leave my house anymore. I desperately want to go to a famous clinic a few hours from my house, but I can't seem to make the call.

I will look into all the books-- I should probably get them all! I need so much help. First app't with a psychiatrist on March 5.

21-02-10, 19:56
Hello Corinne,
Yes, you will get help again from these books, but never forget: you have done it before and will do it again - don't despair!! This is just a wee setback and you will get through it.

21-02-10, 20:32
Thank you, Myra. This setback is lasting way too long. I hate to go to bed at night and I hate to get up in the morning. I know reading Weeke's Agoraphobia book will help. It kept me going to work when I was young, so it should get me to the grocery store now!

Idstain -- I took your advice and bought Essential Help for your Nerves. Can't wait until both get here.

I checked Amazon Kindle books, but they didn't have it. Hopefully, it will get here soon.

Thanks to all who answered. My head was spinning as to what to do.:)

21-02-10, 20:52
i am in the middle of what seems a helpful book......'mind over mood' xx

21-02-10, 21:24
I love to read, and being in the house 24/7 I have a lot of time to spend reading and on the computer!

I will keep both suggested books in mind after I read Weeke's books that I have coming. Thanks for the suggestions!

You know, I just have to add this.............Sometimes when I read these threads, they just reduce me to tears. There is so much mental suffering in this world. I identify with the young girls because I remember what I went through. Now that I'm not young anymore, I wonder why all of this has come back. I did so well for so many years. Now I "have" every disease in the book and I don't want to die. *sigh* We'll plug through it together!

21-02-10, 22:08
Corinne - I agree with you so much - when I read some posts on here from young people it is heartbreaking to know that they feel so bad. It also brings back memories about thinking that you'll just never get out of this ugly black hole. But with age and experience we know that they can get better and learn to live with your anxieties, even if they crop up every now and again. From your point of view, my mum, Margaret, suffered from agoraphobia about 30 years ago. She says she couldn't have felt any worse than she did. My heart went out to her, but she did everything to not let it affect her family's lifes. With a whole lot of courage and using Claire Weekes' book as a bible, she managed to get through this horrible anxiety symptom. It's something she will never forget, but she went on to full recovery and has never looked back. In fact, now she is never at home! I have told her I am a member here and have told her of other's suffering and she was so concerned about everyone. She said she'd love to tell them that they can get through this. She said if she can, then anyone can. So please don't despair. You know what Claire says: every setback makes us stronger, and I firmly believe that.
Myra x

21-02-10, 22:27
Myra, your mom and I sound a lot alike. I went through hell too, keeping a full time teaching position. I don't know how I did it. After I got through it, I was free from it for about 30 years also. I can't believe it's back!

My family has no clue right now. It's really easy to put on a front on the phone. I will get out of this. Just up until a few months ago I was always out with friends, shopping or visiting. It's so disheartening. This is supposed to be the best time of my life and I'm wasting it.

I had one of my grandsons here this weekend. It did me good. I so wanted to take him shopping, but I just couldn't. However, we had a good weekend and I didn't think about myself (too much lol).

Thank you for the encouragement, and tell your mother GOOD JOB!

22-02-10, 00:22
Where did you find "Agoraphobia" by Claire Weekes in the US?

I looked to buy it online but can't find it except for used copies for $60!

Thanks in advance!

22-02-10, 01:17
I don't know if we are allowed to post links on the forum, and I don't want to break any rules. I will PM you the link, lepus!:)