View Full Version : I think i have Anxiety?

21-02-10, 19:18
Hi all, this is my first post, had toyed with the idea of posting on here but finally got around to doing it.

I have come to the conclusion I may be suffering from Anxiety.

Around 3 years ago I had a very bad time with a stomach infection that took my doctors months to find after they lost 2 blood tests, during that time i became a physical wreck and suffered 2 panic/anxiety attacks. After diagnosis and treatment for the problem i was pretty much back to normal within 2 weeks but had the odd strange symptom appear now and again (heavy arms, tingling) but nothing too bad. Then the following summer I started experiencing pins and needles down both arms (upper arms and the outside 2 fingers on both hands) which progressed to a kind of burning nerve pain and spread to the tops of my legs also. The pain became intense, almost like i had red hot needles being jabbed into my nerve endings! Things also seemed to be worse when I tried to lay down for a nap or a rest, it was like i was being electrocuted!! I ended up getting referred to pain management who tried several treatments that didnt do much apart from amitryptiline and gabapentin combo which is used for calming down irritated nerves. Then eventually I had a nerve block injection that finally reduced the symptoms enormously! All was good until about 3 weeks ago, gradually the problems started to re-appear and this past week or so i've been suffering with it pretty bad again. Now, in the past ive put these neurological symptoms down to arthritis in my neck (large bone spur at C5/C6) but never been fully convinced that it would cause symptoms in all 4 limbs simultaneously?? So now i'm thinking more along the lines of Anxiety? could someone put my mind at rest and tell me if these are classic anxiety symptoms? I also get symptoms of sticky clear phlegm on right side of my throat and more recently both my eyelids have started to twitch rather annoyingly and also loud noises etc seem to set off the burning sensations in my limbs.
It really gets me down at times and makes me wonder if i'll get back to a normal kind of life.

Many Thanks

21-02-10, 19:30
Hi Revoman

Welcome along to NMP :)

I have copied some information from our 'Symptoms' section of the forum.

Muscles, muscle tension, stiffness, muscle twitching, tight scalp or neck

What you feel:

You feel like your muscles are always tight or strained, sometimes to the point of frequent pain, or even persistent and ongoing pain. Some may also find the pain so restricting and debilitating that it prevents physical activity, and sometimes to the point of becoming bed ridden. It's also common to experience pain or cramps in any of the body's muscles.
A particular joint in your body feels unusually stiff and sore, or hard to move. It may even feel arthritic. Sometimes you feel you may be 'seizing up'.
For no apparent reason, a particular muscle will begin to twitch. This twitching will continue for an unusual amount of time before it stops of its own accord. Sometimes it twitches so long it becomes sore, and may continue on and off for days.
You may feel that your scalp is sore, has shooting pains, or that the back of your neck and head are very tense. Even though there is no apparent reason for this, they continue to.

I think Anxiety can manafest it'self in so many different ways. Some very physical were other can be more emotional.

I hope you get lots of support here and it's lovely to meet you.


21-02-10, 19:33

Yes, they do all seem like they could be anxiety symptoms. If you look at the column on the left hand side of this page then you can read all about different symptoms,etc. Also, some symptoms are unique to certain people, so don't panic if your particular ones aren't mentioned!! Probably all the trauma of your stomach infection has made you feel more fragile and that's why you are now suffering the after effects. If you can understand that these are anxiety symptoms and not be afraid of them then you are on the way to accepting them and then they will gradually go. They can't do you any real harm. Why don't you have a word with your doctor about this and see if they agree that it is anxiety? You've been through a lot so it probably is the case, but you will get through it, don't worry. You'll get lots of support on here and it'll make you feel better.

21-02-10, 19:44
when i got my first big panic attacks my arms and hands had pins and needles and went numb and heavy - I thought I was having a heart attack!
Then I started to get the red hot burning sensations up the top of my arms and into my chest - it really feels as if you are on fire - at first i thought this was from taking two medications (citalopram and propananol) but realized that was me just being anxious about taking tablets.
Now when I feel a panic attack coming I get the rising up of that burning sensation in my chest and feel like i can't breathe. I also get the pins and needles in my arms and down to my little fingers when a big panic attack comes.
They sound like very similar things - but you are best to discuss them with your gp.
AJ :)

21-02-10, 19:55
Hi , thanks for the quick replies. It's great to get some re-assurance from people, i've felt a bit crazy going back to my doctors with constant mysterious symptoms and anxiety has been mentioned before but i'm not sure i could deal with going on medication. Ive read a lot about insomnia/appetite/libido side effects and dont fancy all that to be honest.

Anyone had reall success beating anxiety without prescription meds?

thanks :)

21-02-10, 21:30

Yes, I have had lots of success in just about getting over it completely. Wouldn't say 100% worth but certainly well on the way. Only had to use Diazepam for one week (in the past three years) and that was enough to prove to me it was anxiety and not heart problems. The rest has been down to healthy body and mind (and some CBT).

Does sound as though what you describe is anxiety related so I would recommend a wee visit to your GP to discuss.