View Full Version : Norovirus :-(

Hereford Al
21-02-10, 21:08
Hi all. Anyone else suffering with this, or had it recently?

I was absolutely fine yesterday morning but then over the space of an hour or so started getting awful stomach cramps and an acid-type taste in my throat. Ended up spending the rest of yesterday projectile puking and crapping liquid.

Every time I drank some water (even small sips), it came straight back up. I feel absolutely drained and my stomach/chest hurts so much from all the heaving. Not been able to eat anything either, so that probably is not helping me and the fact my legs feel like total jelly.

Any idea how long it will be until I start to feel remotely better and non-contagious?

Problem is that I was off work for 4 days last week with damaged ribs and minor concussion after a car crash, and do not really want to take any more time off sick.

Advice would be appreciated :-(

21-02-10, 21:39
Hi Al,
Yea i've had exactly the same since 2am last Thursday. Its horrid and quite prevelant this year. I work in a nursing home and we had to close to visitors for some time a few weeks ago, then the local hospital closed 9 wards. It went through staff and patients like wildfire. Its hard to keep hydrated which is of course important to maintain healthly salt etc levels but gentle sips of water often if tolerated. If you are unsure if it is norovirus a specimen can be tested by your hospital via your doctor. It can last 2 to 4 days but what most people forget is that you can still pass it to others at least 48 hours after your own symptoms have stopped so many feel better and go out or back to work then of course pass on the virus. Good infection control and hygiene, hand washing is also important. I know how awful you feel especially on top of our anxiety. I hope you feel better soon, best wishes, Carol.